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Faridabad, Haryana, India
I have an experience of more than 30 years in the field of Vedic astrology. I have not learnt Vedic astrology from anyone and it is only my continuous research, hard work and dedication that I have been able to get the inner depth of Vedic astrology. I also use Vedic Numerology to predict and also provide mantra consultation. Please fill up the Contact Form by following the link:https://horoanalysis.wordpress.com/contact-form/ only if you want to contact me

Saturday, July 27, 2019

“A Note On Guru” – by Vishal Aksh


(i) It is true that in Sanatan Hindu Dharma the place of Guru is held superior to all but it is also true that the concept of Guru is always misunderstood by most of practicing Hindus.

(ii) Nowadays people started saying that the ancient tradition of Hinduism nominates the rank of a Guru even superior to Parmatma and it is a wrong concept. In this Article it will be described in detail.

(iii) It is essential to understand the in depth meaning of Guru first and in this Article the meaning of the Sanskrit word Guru will be explained.

(iv) It is from the Vedic India the word Guru is used to address Rishi, Muni, Purohit, Yogi, Sadhak, Tapasvi,Sadhu, Mantrika, Tantrika, Yantrika, Kavi, Bhakta, Writers, expert Singers, expert Dancers, expert Dramatists , Devagya(Superior Astrologers), Aacharya (Professors) and Shikshak (Teachers). Addressing them as Guru was considered as an effective Mantra to get their blessings, preaching and knowledge in simple and easy way.

(v) Though the Sanskrit word Guru has been well defined in Vedic Literatures. Such various categorizations of Guru existing in Literatures have been given under (5), (6), (7), (8) & (9) of the forthcoming Chapter: What Does The Dharma Teach Us All? 

(vi) In Vedic Puranas also the term Guru was allotted to Brihaspati (Jupiter) as Deva Guru (Guru of Devtas) and Shukara (Venus) as Asur Guru (Guru of Rakshas) and thus in Vedic Jyotish Jupiter is known as Guru and Venus is known as Asur Guru.

(vii) On physical plane Guru (Jupiter) plays an important role in making one a Guru if this Guru (Jupiter) occupies specific position in his horoscope. In some forthcoming chapters of this Article this will be discussed in detailed

(viii) Prithuysas in his immortal work “Hora Sara” held Guru (Jupiter) the giver of Trikala Gyana (Knowledge of Past, Present & Future). There he says that when Guru (Jupiter) occupies the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun or becomes the lord of lord Ansh occupied by the lord of 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun the person becomes able to see Past, Present & Future.   


Chapter (I)
Who Is Ultimate Guru?
(1) In Vedic Literatures the following Sanskrit Shloka is found in the praise of Guru:

Gururbrhama Gururvishnurgururdevo Maheshwarah!
Guruh Sakshaat Parbraham Tasmai Shrigurve Namah!!

(2) General Meaning Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka: Guru is Brahma (The creator), Guru is Vishnu (Preserver) and Guru is Maheshwara (Destroyer). Guru is the displayed Parmatma and I bow before that excellent Guru.

Note: The Sanskrit word परब्रह्म (Parbraham) indicates Shiva, Mahavishnu or Parmatma so it should never be treated as Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh. Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh are the three forces of Shiva.

Note: This General Meaning of Sanskrit Shloka gives a Guru or similar person a status of Parmatma and thus it is not in agreement with the Great Wordings एको हि रुद्रो न द्वितियाय तस्थु र्य (Eko Hi Rudro Ne Dwitiyaya Tsthutharya) of Shewatashewatara Upanishida which means, “He the Rudra is the only one and no one is there like him which can make him the second” so a Human Guru can never replace him and if it is so then the validity of that Sanskrit Vedic Shloka becomes questionable.

(3) To understand the Sanskrit Shloka about the Excellence Of Guru it is essential to trace the चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) but before that it is equally important to say some more wordings about it they are as below:

(i)We the Hindus recite चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) from Vedic era to cure every type of Eye Diseases and still its recitation is in continuation in this modern era.

(ii) A deep understanding of चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) reveals that there are three types of blinds in this world 1. Physically Blind. 2. Intellectually Blind.  3. Spiritually Blind. A physically Blind can have advanced Intellectual and Spiritual visions but a person with good eyesight can be Intellectual and Spiritual Blind. Spiritual Blindness is considered to be the top followed by Intellectual Blindness and Physical Blindness e.g. The Kuru King Dhrittashtra was Physically, Intellectually and Spiritually Blind and Physically Blind Hindi Kavi Surdas had wonderful Intellectual and Spiritual penetrative sights.

Note: In चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) there is a great saying, “असतो मा सद्गमय” (Asto Maa Sadgamya) here the prayer is made to bring one from Untruth to Truth which clearly indicates that it is the Prayer  to get a vision to distinguish between Truth & False, Good & Bad, Justice & Injustice and Good Conduct & Misconduct. Any person not having the vision to distinguish between Truth and Untruth is a Blind on Intellectual Grounds because distinguishing between Truth & Untruth is the Subject of Intellect.

Note: In चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) again there is a Mantra, “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय” (Tamso Maa Jyotirgamay). In this Mantra Prayer has been made to bring one from Tamas (Extreme Darkness) to Jyoti (Eternal Light). If this is for the Night Value to Day Value then it cannot find its place in this Upanishada and for good eyesight there are already given several valuable Mantra and this Mantra starts after Asto Maa Sadgamya that clearly reflects that this is related to Antaraatma (Spirit) who resides in human body away from Parmatma in this Mrituloka (Earth). That Spirit wants to merge into Parmatam the source of divine Light. If a person does not have the vision to think about the Divine World he is Blind on Spiritual Ground because distinguishing between Darkness & Light is the subject of Wisdom and Awakening.     

(iii) Every Mantra is ruled by a Devta and this चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) is ruled by Devta Savitri. The Savitri, as defined in some other Vedic Text is White Complexioned Five Faced Youth Lady who rides on a Bull with having Trishula, Kamundala and Kapala. She the Shakti of Mahesh is the resident of Bhuvaloka (Sky). She on her appeasement gives her devotee the Aatmgyana (Knowledge Of Self). The concept of Parmatma exists in the memories of a Man which he could not see due to Tamas (Darkness) or Spiritual Blindness so it is on the mercy of Savitri he becoms able view the Parmatma existing in his memories.     

Note: Surya is known as Savitri. According to Vedic Jyotish Surya (Sun) represents Shiva in Planetary Cabinet. Surya (Sun) is at the top or in 10th Bhava/House in Midday Sandhya. Abhijeet Murutha also exists exactly within the mid of Midday Sandhya. It is the most powerful position of Surya (Sun) as at this position Surya (Sun) shines with its maximum intensity with practically no Shadow (Darkness or Tamas or Ignorance represented by Rahu).

Note: Judges, Gurus, Astrologers, Writers, Professors and other similar person should recite चाक्षुषी उपनिषद (Chakshui Upanishda) in Abhijeet Murutha daily if they find it convenient to enhance Intellectual & Divine Sights.     

(iv) The Sanskrit Shlok of spiritual basis is rewritten again:

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय” (Tamso Maa Jyotirgamay)

(v) The Sanskrit word Tamas is also denoted by another Sanskrit word: गु (Gu) and other Sanskrit Word Jyoti is also represented by another Sanskrit Word: रु (Ru).

(vi) Now the Parmatma who only has power to bring one from Darkness (गु (Gu)) to Light (रु (Ru)).

(vii) In other words, Parmatma = गु (Gu) + रु (Ru) = गुरु (Guru) so there is no difference between Parmatma and Guru as He Is Only The Ultimate Guru. No One Is There To Replace Him. 

(4) The 2nd line of very first Sanskrit Shloka describing Guru is rewritten below:

(i) Guruh Sakshaat Parbraham Tasmai Shrigurve Namah

(ii) In this line dedication is shown to Parbrahm, Parmatma or Shiva by addressing him Shriguru or Excellent Guru and rest like Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are asked to regard as Guru

(iii) The main work of Brahma is to create. On this Earth only Maithuni Creation occurs in almost all the creatures. According to Vedic Literatures a legally wedded Man & Woman sexually unites to create their Children so on Earth they represent Brahma and thus for their Children and thus in Vedic Literature the Parents are taken as First Guru for their Children thus it prove the validity of Gururbrhama.

(iv) When an infant crosses his infancy he is taken to School and he start proceeding in academy then his Teachers, Lecturers and Professors become his Guru. After the completion of around 25 years of his age if he wants to do Sadhana then that Superior Sadhaka under which he is doing Sadhana becomes his Guru. Every type of learning comes under Budh (Merury). Budh (Mercury) is ruled by Vishnu so every type of learning comes under Vishnu and thus Vishnu becomes the Guru. It proves the validity of Gururvishnu.

(v) After gaining the experiences of life a person himself becomes the Guru and at that age no one of his earlier Guru exists and his inclination then Deva Guru (Jupiter) acts as his Guru. Deva Guru (Jupiter) comes under the dominance of Mahesh as Mahesh is also known as Jagatguru, Devguru and Lokguru. His divine inspiration guides that person the position of Sun in daytime and that of Dhurav (Polestar) at night. This proves the validity of gururdevo Maheshwarah.    

(vi) Nowadays people started saying that the ancient tradition of Hinduism nominates the rank of a Guru even superior to Parmatma and it is a wrong concept. How can the Image of a person be equated to that person? All the Guru except the Shiva are his Images some may be Fade Images like the Guru in human form, some are recognizable Images like Devguru Brispati (Jupiter) and Asurguru Shukra (Venus) and finally there are clear Images like the divine Trimurti the Brhman, Vishnu and Mahesh.

(vii) In fact Bhakt Kabirdas in one of his Hind Doha says about it and that Doha is given below:

गुरु गोबिन्द दोऊ खड़े, काके लागूँ पाँय​। 
बलिहारी गुरु आपने, गोबिन्द दियो मिलाय​॥ 
(Guru Gobind Dau Khade, Kaake Laagun Paay)
Balhaai Guru Aapne, Gobind Diyo Milaay)

 In this Doha Bhakt Kabirdas told that if he finds his Guru and Parmatma standing together then before whom he should bow first and finally he decided to bow before his Guru first as it was his Guru who made it possible for him to meet the Parmatma.

(viii) This Doha is always understood in a wrong way as it only reflects the obligation of him towards his Guru just as a child says that his Parents are more than Parmatma for him, A student says that his teachers are more than the Parmatma for him and a Sadhaka says exactly what the Bhakt Kabirdas says in his Doha.

Note: The learner only gets the essence of learning if he considers his Guru as more than a Parmatma in learning period.

Note: The motive of this Article is not to disregard your Guru in human form. In the year 2014 I published a small Article in my Facebook Public Group in this context and the picture of that Article is given below:

Follow Link:https://www.facebook.com/groups/258744764307717/permalink/340751272773732/ to view this there


Chapter (II)
“What Does The Dharma Teach Us All?” – an article written by Vishal Aksh
(Follow link: https://www.facebook.com/vishal.aksh.7/posts/850501581794341 to view this Article written by me published on the timeline of my Facebook)

(1) Dharma gives you the way and spiritual insights to build your realistic image and impart you the position of trust provided you have seriously followed it. Sampredayavaad in modern times removes the inventive and godly thoughts from your mind and creates the figure of head of Sampradaay in your mind and with the passage of time that figure controls your mind and souls.

(2) The divine concept of Guru is followed in the learning period such as Sadhana, Education and like but Dharma never allows the entrance of Guru, Sadhu or similar person in your family and social life.

(3) Students of Jyotish know that Jupiter & Venus are two Guru and in female’s horoscope Jupiter signifies her husband and in male’s horoscope Venus signifies his wife. Out of Jupiter and Venus the Jupiter is the true Guru so the husband of a female is her true Guru and she does not require any Guru. In Shiva Purana it is written that without the permission of her husband a lady should not worship Shiva the Parmatma. In case of man his wife acts as his best guide and in confusing situations it is better for a man to take advice of his wife and this the second Guru Venus (Shukra) reflects.

(4) Nowadays the people have forgotten the real concept of Guru on account of this spreading Saampradayavaad. I am trying here to tell you the very concept of Guru as described in Dharma but before that keep in mind a common man with Dharmic and Karmic approaches leading a simple and meaningful family life is many times greater than a Sadhu, Mahent or head of Sampradaaya.

(5) A well qualified person who performs the Upnayan Sanskaar of his disciple and teaches his disciple about Rahasya (Yagya, Vidya & Upnishida), Kalpa and Vedas is known as Aacharya. You can see all the so called Aacharya do not have this qualification.

(6) A well qualified person teaches his disciple a part of Veda or Vedanga for his livelihood is known as Upadhyaya.

(7) A well qualified person under whose guidance all the Shodash Sanskaara are to be performed is called Guru

(8) A well qualified person who performs Agnishtom, Agnihotra and Pakyagyaadi Karma is known as Ritiwik.

(9) A well qualified person who is well versed in 18 purana, Ramayana, Vishnu Dharma (Dharma when viewed from Vishnu philosophy), Shiva Dharma (Dharma when viewed from Shiva philosophy), Mahabharata and Shroota and Smarta is known as Mahaguru. Merely the expertise in Bhagwata or Shiva Purana cannot make a person Mahaguru. A learned person heading any Sampradaya cannot be a Guru. The Guru is above all the Sampradaya. That Guru should be able to give Shaiv Mantra and Vaishnav mantra whichever fits on his disciple as per that Guru.

(10) In Veda there is a great Mantra:

ॐ अग्ने! व्रतपते!  चरिष्यामि, तच्छकेयं तन्मे राध्यताम्।
[Om Agne! Vratpate! Vratam Charishayami, Tachchekayaam Tanme Raadhytaam

Translation in English: “O Agini (Here Parmatma not simple Fire) you are the lord of all the Vrataas like Ahinsa, Satyaacharan and following Dharma in a practical way in your divine presence I take the oath to follow the Dharma please bless me to do all such Vrataas and make me capable for them. Right from now I keep myself away from the evil thinking, bad acts or any form of bad act by accepting divine thoughts, good conduct and living of a truthful life.”

(11) The Vedic Mantra clearly indicates that there is no difference between Dharma and Satya. As I have said in one of the article written by me that the Dharma is also known as Satya, Vaishneva, Sanatan or Hindu.

(12) Everyone should leave Sampradaayavaad and follow the Dharma to unite world and to save mankind.


Chapter (III)
Why Guru (Jupiter) Is Known As Jeeva? – An Article Written By Vishal Aksh

(1)Several times I have told you that Vedic Jyotish is based on {1} Common sense and {2} The knowledge stored in Puranas. Every Vedic Astrologer should have a vision to understand that knowledge of Puranas and apply that to understand the secrets of Vedic Jyotish. Vedic Jyotish has its roots in Vedas and Puranas are best to understand Vedas.

(2) The ancient experts of Jyotish addressed Guru (Jupiter) as Jeeva. I have seen several Vedic astrologers taking the literal meaning of Jeeva as animal and thus Jupiter signifies the entire animal kingdom as per them. It is the wonder of Sanskrit and Jyotish that each meaning of a single Sanskrit word used as a terminology of Jyotish holds good.

(2.1) As per Shivapurana the Shresthee Krama (Cycle of creation) on this Mrituloka (Earth) evolves due to Maithuna (Sexual intercourse)and thus in literal mean the Jeeva indicates the product after sexual intercourse between a male and a female and that is why Jupiter is also termed as Santankarka (A planet signifying offspring). But that maithuni Shreesthi was not possible without Shukra (sperm) and the other Guru of Daitya (Devils) Shukra presides over Shukra (Sperm) and sexual intercourse between a male and a female. On this ground it may be considered that the Jeeva (Jupiter) is an evolution of the beeja (Seeds) Shukra (Venus) and thus both the Gurus Jupiter and Venus are responsible for this maithuni Shreesthi prevailing on this earth.

(3) But very few people know the other fact about Guru (Jupiter) being known as Jeeva and that has another great aspect in Vedic Jyotish. In Shivapurana it is written that once to meet Parmatama Shiva both the Devaguru Bristipati and Devaraja Indra went to Kailash and while on the way to Kailash Devaraja Indra saw a yogi in the state of Samadhi (Deep Trance) and then Devraja Indra asked that yogi about the Parmatma Shiva but that Yogi give no reply even the repeated queries from Devraja Indra. Devraja Indra took those silent actions of that Yogi as his insult and then he lost his temper and he hit the head of that Yogi by his Vajra (A weapon used by Indra).

(3.1) What was that? As soon as Devraja Indra hit the head of that yogi the countless volcanoes started appearing from the head of that yogi and then Devguru found Indra under the tides of fire emanating from the head of that Yogi.

(3.2) Then Devaguru saw Devraaja Indra by his Karunamayee drishtee (took him at a merciful glance) and that fire started growing and growing and to protect his brilliant student Indra that Sadguru saw that Yogi posited in the state of deep trance and he recognized that Yogi by his divine vision.

(3.3) That Yogi was Parmatma Shiva and thus for the protection of his brilliant student Indra the Sadguru (Jupiter) with folded hands was before the Mahaguru of Anantkoti Brhamsnda Shiva. What a divine scene that was!

(3.4) On account of divine prayers performed by Devaguru the Ashutosh Prabhu (A lord who pleases quickly) Shiva pleased & appeased and he then freed Indra from his divine anger.

(3.5)In that way Devguru gave Jeevan Daana (Donated new life) to Indra and that was why Devguru is also known as Jeeva.

(4) The aforesaid Katha (story) as described under (3), (3.1), (3.2), (3.4) & (3.5) indicates an astrological fact. Dear students if you concentrate on this Kaatha (story) and use your common sense you will find that Indra is the divine king and all the Navagrah from Sun to Ketu come under his dominance without him all the Navagrah become powerless and inactive (A vedic fact) and Devguru Brihispati is the Guru of Indra who protected him from the anger of Parmatma Shiva also protected Navagrah. It clearly indicates that Planet Guru protects Navagrah including himself and thus in any horoscope if an ill disposed planet comes under the aspect of Jupiter it gets protected to give auspicious results.

(5) Dear students if you want to get the depth of Vedic Jyotish then understand properly what has been written in Vedic literature.


Chapter (IV)Bottom of Form
 Who is True Guru Deva Guru Brispati Or Asur Guru Shukaracharya?

In natural zodiac 4th house considered as Karka Rashi and also rules heart Jupiter gets exalted in this sign and this dignity is only given to Jupiter only. 

In lagna or 10th (4 & 7 also) Jupiter forms powerful Hans yoga while in Kark, Dhanu or Meena rashiHere Hans stands for two meaning (1) Hans as a bird is supposed to separate milk from water so indicates extreme wisdom (2) Parmatma is also known as Hans and in Hans yoga Jupiter is dignified not Venus. 

One of the sign ruled by Venus is Tula and it is an airy sign and other sign of Venus is Vrish an earthy sign and by nature Venus is watery planet so it lacks true spirituality and it does not mean it is not spiritual planet. The water is influenced by the Gravitational force but Guru freed one from the clutches of Gravitational force & Gravitational barrier.

On the other hand Jupiter has Akash Tatwa and one of its sign is Meena a watery sign and its Moola Trikona sign is Dhanur Rashi which is a fiery sign and everyone knows the flames of fire always upwards almost free from the gravity and gravitational barriers.Being of Akash tatwa and filed with these quality this Jupiter or Guru brings one from materialistic approach to spiritual approach and at last to the Parmatma the ultimate approach. 

It takes years to understand this in true sense and without the blessing of Guru it is not possible.


Chapter (V)
Who is True Guru Deva Guru Brispati Or Asur Guru Shukaracharya? .....Part (02)

(1) I found the Jupiter's position if 1st, 2nd, 8th, 10th & 12th Bhava/House in Main chart & even in D27 Chart very important in making one Guru.

Note: This position of Jupiter to making one a Guru or similar to that should also be judged from Chara Aatmkaarka Planet both in Bhansh Chart (D27) and from Karakbhansh Lagna in Rashi Chart.

Note: Since 9th House stands for Guru then the position of Guru as described under (1) making one Guru or similar to that should also be judged with reference to the Aroodhpada Lagna of 9th House both in Rashi Chart as well in Bhansh Chart (D27)

(2) In my opinion it took many years to understand the concept of Jupiter and in this small post it is not possible to describe all.

(3) Atmkaarka concept propagated by Jamimi is actually from Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra and this theory fails (1) In case of twin births (2) It is hardly impossible to predict from this theory (2) Annual horoscope (3) Horary Horoscopes. So two person having common horoscope, in case of twin with Aatmkaarka forming Guruyoga will make both of them Guru makes no sense. 

(4) Guru, Kathavachak, preachers & Teachers comes under the influence of Jupiter depending on the strength of guru.

(5) Venus is the Guru of Rakshas but due to Rajsik nature of Venus as per Vedic Jyotish it will not be a Guru with satvik nature even though in
the sky it shines brighter than Jupiter. So Venus cannot replace Jupiter

(6) D20 chart, D27 chart & D5 charts along with Rashi Chart & Chalit Chakra are used to judge Guru yoga with spiritual power.

(7) Bollywood star Amitabh Bacchan from his famous KBC became like Guru he has powerful Venus in 8th with cancellation of debilitation replacing the position of Jupiter in 8th but again sorry to say he is not as Guru as texts on Vedic Jyotish permits.

(8) It is true definite position of Venus in any horoscope makes one Guru in the field of arts, music & up to certain extent literature too. But it is still far from the concept of true Guru.


Chapter (VI)
Jupiter in 12th Bhava / House Good or Bad

In Vedic astrology you cannot assign fixed results to any planet occupying any Bhava / house and it entirely depends on the complete judgment of horoscope.

In Vedic astrology every planet is supposed to give results on three prospects:

Physical Prospects: If you find Jupiter ill disposed in Ekadashansh Chart (D11), Shodashansh Chart (D16) and Trishmansh Chart(D30) only then being in 12th Bhava / house it will prove inauspicious regarding, financial attainments, acquisition of valuable assets and vehicles and sound health but from this position it will aspect 4th, 6th & 8th houses so it gives protection & narrow escapes from major accidents.

Mental Prospects: If in any horoscope it is found that Jupiter occupying 12th house is well disposed in the Kendras of Saptvinshansh Chart (D27) in its own or exaltation sign then under this position Jupiter aspects 4th, 6th & 8th Bhavas / house in main chart the it gives one satisfaction, power to grapple with his inner foes such as Kaama (desires leading to destruction), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greediness), Moha (excess of affection leading to the loss of sense of judgement), Mada (increased ego leading to madness) & Maya (Illusion) and here it gives instinct to practice occult as it also aspects 8th Bhava / house in one'smain chart.

Spiritual Prospects: If in any horoscope it is found that Jupiter occupying 12th house is well disposed in Vinshansh (D20) & Panchmansh (D5) charts in its own or exaltation sign in kendra / trikona and in main chart it occupies 12th house (Moksh Sthana / the house of liberty) and from here it aspect 4th house, 6th house & 8th house then it gives (1) Eternal joy  or Aatmik Sukh i.e. Sat, Chit & Ananda or one here it leads one towards Sacchidanad Parmatma as it aspects 4th house, 6th house also stands for debts and in terms of spirituality it clears all the three major debts debts such as Matri rina, Pitra rina & Achary rina and this position makes one free from cycle of births on earth, in this case Jupiter also aspects 8th house then under such condition it brings one from occult (8th) house i.e. Maya (darkness of illusions) to eternal light as Jupiter is Guru and it removes every kind of darkness and brings one from Tamsik darkness to satvik light.

(4) If in any horoscope Jupiter in 12th house is strong as described under (2) & (3) one becomes Guru and enlightens others also.   
(5) Jupiter in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 10th or 12th Bhava / House in any horoscope makes on Guru.


Chapter (VII)
“Guru Yoga” – an article written by Vishal Aksh
(This article written by me was first published at my Hindi Facebook Page. Follow link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=863389473782961&id=856959071092668 to view it there or Link: http://horoanalysis.blogspot.in/2017/05/guru-yoga-article-written-by-vishal-aksh.html)

Lord Parashara in his “Brihitparasharhorashaastram” writes, “Sutesh Matribhavane chiram Matrisukham Bhavet. Lakshmiyuktah Subuddhisch Sachivopyathva Guru”

 English Translation:- Anyone having 5th lord in 4th house such person gets blessings of his mother for a very long time, he is rich, of pure intelligence, secretary or a Guru 

Interpretation: - O learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish!
After going through the aforesaid Shloka and its meaning for a while then concentrate on the natural contents of 5th house then you will get   

 (1) In any Horoscope fifth house stands for children, wisdom and a triangular house and it comes under the natural jurisdiction of Jupiter

(2) This Jupiter signifying 5th house gets exalted in 4th house Cancer of natural zodiac so the placement of 5th lord in 4th house follows this theory.

For the benefits of all of you students I am presenting my findings about this Guru Yoga:

 (1) If the 5th lord is a planet other then Jupiter and it receives the aspect of Jupiter or in conjunction with Jupiter then this Guru Yoga becomes more powerful.

[Judge this Guru Yoga in other Sub Divisional Charts like Bhansh(D27) for the talents of lecturing, Siddhansh (D24) for the eligibility of academic lecturing and  in Vinshansh (D20) & Panchmansh (D5) for becoming Guru in the fields of spirituality and religion. It should also be judged in Dashmansh (D10).]


Chapter (VIII)
Guru (Jupiter) In Third House
(Follow link: https://www.facebook.com/vishal.aksh.7/posts/312264208951417 to view this post written by me on the timeline of my facebook or Link: https://horoanalysis.wordpress.com/2015/07/30/jupiter-in-third-house/)

(1.1) There is a great deal of confusion among astrologers regarding the position of Jupiter in 3rd house and some astrologers treat it as an inauspicious house for Jupiter

(1.2) In ancient text on Vedic astrology both auspicious and inauspicious results has been attributed to the position of Jupiter in third house such as (1) The person having Jupiter in third house is miser, takes wrong way in his life and even though he is rich but suffers from loss of wealth (2) Person with Jupiter in third house is rich, chief man of his family and admired by beautiful females. These results are very general and need to be modified.

(1.3) In my years long experience in the field of Vedic astrology I have seen various results of Jupiter in third house in different horoscopes and some of them are given below:

(1.4) Even if Jupiter is debilitated in third house it gives prosperity and under such condition if Jupiter is well disposed in D10 chart it gives professional prosperity. Here afflicted Jupiter gives some health problems like neurotic problems to that person’s brother.

(1.5) In D24 chart if this Jupiter is debilitated in third house with Saturn in 5th house it gives competitive success in the field of education and same combination in D10 chart gives one professional success through competitions.

(1.6) For Vrish Lagna the placement of Jupiter in third house gives one good job but full of hurdles and for Tula Lagna this position of Jupiter gives one excellence in position in his job and even professional success through competition but here it also gives health problems affecting his progress of excellance.

(1.7) If D10 Lagna is Tula and Jupiter is in 3rd house it gives one professional excellence in the field of accounts and audit.

(1.8) In Kark Lagna weak and afflicted Jupiter in third house gives clashes between his parents and health problems to his parents and if it occupies 6th or 8th house in debilitation in D9 chart it gives chain of miseries to his life partner.

(1.9) In Kark Lagna if Jupiter is strong in third house this gives one prosperity and foreign residence or residence in distant lands.

(1.10) Jupiter in third house gives health problems to one’s parents.

(1.11) For Mithun Lagna Jupiter in third house with Sun in 10th house gives powerful Rajya yoga (Political Success) in the Mahadasha of Sun.


Chapter (IX)
Mahadasha Of Vakri Jupiter As Functional Malefic or benefic

(1) The concept of functional benefice or malefic needs expansion. we can not apply this rule to entire horoscope for example Jupiter as per classical astrology is malefic for Makar and Kumbh lagna but if it is well disposed in D10 chart being yogakarka for D10 then the retrograde Jupiter cannot stop giving professional successes but being malefic for Lagna kundli it wil give physical ailments to that person particularly in case of Kumbh lagna. 

(2) For Kark lagna Mars is supposed to be the best planet but if it is not well disposed in D10 chart then in retrograde position it will not give much success on materialistic ground

Thus even to calculate functional benefice or malefic planets for a particular horoscope is not a joke.

(4) In general for Tula, Mithun and Kanya lagna the dasha of Jupiter does not find to give good results but there are exceptions too even in case of vakri Jupiter.

(5) Vakri Jupiter forming dainey yoga found to give top order rajya yoga (Political Success) also.

Written & Compiled on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 11:42 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

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