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Vishal Aksh (Astrologer, Researcher, Writer, Thinker & Philosopher) |
Chapter (I)
The Legends About
Sudarshana – Chakra
It was in the year 1991 when I read about Sudarshana –
Chakra in Brihitparasharahorashaastram but it took several years to understand
it properly. I knew before reading the Brihitparasharahorashaastram about the
Sudarshana – Chakra through stories based on Vedic Literatures.
(i) It was perhaps year 1988 when I read some
wonderful information about Sudarshana – Chakra in Shiva Mahapurana that
there was a Asura King named Jalandhar. He defeated all the Devta ruled by
Indra in battle. To make the Devta free from the exploitation of that Asura
King, Shiva raised a war against that Asura King and in the battle field Shiva
drew a Chakra from the thumb of his foot and from that Chakra known as
Sudarshana – Chakra, Parmatma Shiva
killed the Asura King Jalandhar.
(ii) To remove all the evil powers Vishnu devoted Lord
Shiva to get Sudarshana – Chakra with the 1000 names of Shiva and at the end of
each mantra of Shivanaam Vishnu started placing a Neelkamal (Blue Lotus) on
Shivalinga but the 1000th Lotus disappeared. It was the tough
examination for Vishnu and that Kamalnayan (A name of Vishnu because his Eyes
are like blue lotus) removed his Lotus Like eye and placed it on Shivalinga.
Shiva was pleased on that greatest devotion of Vishnu towards him and by his
supernatural powers Shiva created another eye of Vishnu and as a boon he gave
the most powerful Sudarshana – Chakra to Vishnu.
(iii) According to Linga Purana in a war which
was fought on the surface of ocean against Asura King Jalandhara to kill that
Asura King, Parmatma Shiva drew Sudarshana – Chakra from the thumb of his foot on
the surface of sea water and from that Sudarsana – Chakra Shiva killed that
Asura King Jalandhara.
(iv) According to Linga Purana the Sudarshana –
Chakra which Shiva gave to Vishnu had a Shine & power of Ten Thousand Suns.
Chapter (II)
Construction Of
Sudarshana – Chakra
(ii) All the three Kundli are drawn in Circular Forms. The
Lagna Kundli (Rashi Kundli) is encircled by Chandera Kundli and the Chander
Kundli is encircled by Surya Kundli. The following Figure self explains the
Sudarshana – Chakra:
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Sudarshana - Chakra |
(iii) In above Figure of Sudarshana Chakra the Orange Circle
indicates the Lagna Kundli (Lagna) and the Blue Circle encircling it
indicates Chandera Kundli (Ch. Lg.)
and Red Circle encircling it indicates Surya Kundli (Surya Lg.).
(iv) Just like the pattern of counting of Houses in North
Indian Style the counting of Houses in Sudarshana Chakra is also done in Anti –
Clockwise fashion. At the top of Sudarshana Chakra 1. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg. & Surya
Lg. collectively called the First House of the Sudarshana
Chakra and in Mathematical terms it can be represented as First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.]. Such representations of all twelve
houses are given below:
(I) First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya
(II) Second House ϵ [2, 2, 2]
(III) Third House ϵ [3, 3, 3]
(IV) Fourth House ϵ [4, 4, 4]
(V) Fifth House ϵ [5, 5, 5]
(VI) Sixth House ϵ [6, 6, 6]
(VII) Seventh House ϵ [7, 7, 7]
(VIII) Eighth House ϵ [8, 8, 8]
(IX) Ninth House ϵ [9, 9, 9]
(X) Tenth House ϵ [10, 10, 10]
(XI) Eleventh House ϵ [11, 11, 11]
(XII) Twelfth House ϵ [12, 12, 12]
(v) In the Figure of Sudarshana Chakra given above no Planet
is shown no Planet is shown and Figure is drawn assuming Lagna, Chandera Lagna
& Surya Lagna as Mesh Rashi (Sidereal Aries) and this should be understood
first. But if we assume Lagna to be Vrish (Sidereal Taurus), Chandera Lagna
Mesh (Sidereal Aries) and Surya Lagna Mithuna (Sidereal Gemini) then the Houses
of Sudarshana Chakra will be as given below:
(I) First House ϵ [2. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya
(II) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]
(III) Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]
(IV) Fourth House ϵ [5, 4, 6]
(V) Fifth House ϵ [6, 5, 7]
(VI) Sixth House ϵ [7, 6, 8]
(VII) Seventh House ϵ [8, 7, 9]
(VIII) Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]
(IX) Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]
(X) Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]
(XI) Eleventh House ϵ [12, 11, 1]
(XII) Twelfth House ϵ [1, 12, 2]
Chapter (III)
Hints To Judge
Sudarshana – Chakra
(i) After viewing several Article written in this context by
various experts on various social sites and other magazines it became clear
that every Writer / Astrologer only basic rules to of Vedic Jyotish to judge a
Sudarshana – Chakra as used to judge a Vedic Horoscope but no one has touched
the specialty of Sudarshana – Chakra which makes it superior to other
techniques used in Vedic Jyotish for predictive purposes. In forthcoming
paragraphs several general rules are being giving to judge Sudarshana – Chakra:
(ii) Natural Malefic Planets in Trishadaya (3rd,
6th & 11th) houses give auspicious results
(iii) Natural Benefic Planets give auspicious results while
occupying Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th)
houses and Trikona Houses (1st, 5th & 9th).
Always Remember:
Lagna is counted both as Kendra as well as a
(iv) Natural Benefic Planets occupying Kendra, Trikona &
Eight House make these Houses auspicious and prosperous where as the presence
of Natural Malefic Planets in these houses make them inauspicious and
(v) Under such conditions as described under foregoing
paragraph (Chapter (III) / (iv)) if
Kendra, Trikona & Eight occupied by Natural Benefic Planets receive aspects
of Natural Malefic Planets or if Kendra, Trikona & Eight occupied by
Natural Malefic Planets receive aspects of the Natural Benefic Planets then in
either cases the results of Houses get neutralized.
Always Remember:
Care should be taken while applying the
general rule as described under ((2) / (v)) as the classical theory of Vedic
Jyotish says if both good and bad Karma operates at same time both of them will
be experienced so the word neutralized used in foregoing paragraph ((2) / (iv))
does not mean that good karma will not operate under malefic influences or vice
– versa. A well versed Astrologer with spiritual approaches only can interpret
these conditions.
(vi) Rahu if occupies Kendra, Trikona or Eight house or any
other house destroys that house.
Always Remember:
(I) Position of Rahu in any house of the
Sudarshana Chakra is supposed to be the worst for that House
(II) The destruction of
any house on account of Rahu’s occupancy in that House in Sudarshana - Chakra
is comparable to the destruction of a House when several Natural Malefic occupy
that House or in other words Rahu is considered to be the worst Malefic Planet
under Sudarshana – Chakra System of predictions.
(vii) If Natural Benefic Planets occupies their own or
auspicious Varga (Shodash Varga like Navansh, Dahsmansh, Bhansh or Siddhansh
etc) they become more auspicious and the contrary will be the results if
Natural Benefic Planets occupy inauspicious Varga (Shodash Varga)
(viii) Natural Malefic Planets if occupying own or exalted
sign and auspicious Varga (Shodash Varga) becomes auspicious by leaving their
inauspiciousness. Their malfeasance increases when they occupy Varga of
inauspicious Planets. Natural Malefic Planets occupying their debilitation sign
and occupying inauspicious Varga (Shidash Varga) become worst malefic Planets.
Always Remember:
(I) Literary auspicious Varga is taken as the
Varga owned by Natural Benefic Planets whereas inauspicious Varga as the Varga
owned by Natural Benefic Planets.
(II) AS far as my
understandings of Vedic Jyotish, the extensive researches conducted by me in
this context and my experience of more than 29 years in the field of Vedic
Jyotish convinced me that Planets occupying Auspicious Varga can also be taken
as Planets well disposed in Shodash Varga Kundalis such as Navansh Chakra,
Dashmasnh Chakra, Bhansh (D27) Chakra and Siddhansh (D24) Chakra etc. whereas Planets
occupying Inauspicious Varga can also be taken as Planets adversely disposed in
Shodas Varga Kundlis such as Navansh Chakra, Dashmasnh Chakra, Bhansh (D27)
Chakra and Siddhansh (D24) Chakra etc.
(ix) Any House in Sudarshana – Chakra supposed to give
results of Planets occupying it, if the house is vacant then the house gives
the results according to the aspect/aspects falling on it (Aspect of Natural
Malefic Planet gives adverse results whereas that of a Natural Benefic Planet
gives adverse results and if the house is neither occupied by Planets nor
receives any aspect form any Planet then result of that House depends on the position
of its lord.
Always Remember:(I) In
my opinion result of House also depends on the occupancy of Planets in that
Rashi (Sign) in various Shodash Varga (Sixteen Divisional Charts) which appears
in a House under consideration in Sudarshana – Chakra e.g. if in Sudarshana –
Chakra while analyzing Mithuna Rashi (Sidereal Gemini) in Bhansh (D27) is found
to be occupied by its lord Mercury and this Mithuna Rashi (Sidereal Gemini)
appears in any house increases the intelligence level of that native depending
on the age of that native.
(II) In my opinion the
strength of Planets occupying any House in Sudarshana – Chakra is to be judged
on account of the consideration of Sarvashtaka Varga, Ashtaka Varga of
concerned Planet and all the Sarvashtaka Varga of Shodash Varga (Divisional
Charts) like Navansh, Dashmansh, Siddhansh (D24), Bhansh (D27), Panchmansh (D5,
Cyclic) and Vinshansh (D20) etc and the Ashtaka Varga of concerned Planet e.g.
if Mercury having Seven benefic line in its Ashtaka Varga also has Seven
benefic Lines in its own Ashtaka Varga of Siddhansh Chart (D27) the person may
be a legend in Academic Field and if Jupiter or Venus has Eight benefic Lines
in their own Ashtaka Varga of Vinshansh Chart (D20) the person may be expert in
Mantra, Jyotish, Remedies and in understanding the inner meaning of Veda &
Vedic Literatures.
(x) The Natural Malefic Planets are Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu,
Ketu, Gulika, Maandi and Mritu whereas Natural benefic Planets are Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Ardhyama (Ardhprhara) and Yamakantaka.
Always Remember:
Vedic Jyotish Natural Malefic Gulika & Maandi are described as the two sons
of Shani (Saturn) and they are supposed to give adverse results. Mritu is
considered to be the son of Mangal (Mars) in Vedic Jyotish and it is also
considered to give highly adverse results. Ardhyama (Ardhphara) in Vedic
Jyotish is described as son of Budh (Mercury) and it is supposed to be a
Natural Benefic Planet. Yamakantaka in Vedic Jyotish is considered as the son
of Brihaspati (Jupiter) and it is supposed to be the Natural Benefic Planet.
Like all visible Planets the invisible Planets Gulika, Maandi, Mritu, Ardhyama
& Yamakantaka also have 7th Aspect. The researches conducted by
me in the field of Vedic Jyotish led me to conclude that like Saturn Gulika
& Mandi have 3rd & 10th aspects, Like Mars Mritu
also has 4th & 8th aspects and like Jupiter
Yamakantaka also has 5th & 9th aspects. In my opinion
the the Aprakash Grah (Invisible Planets) should be considered while analyzing
Sudarshana – Chakra.
(ix) In Sudarshana Chakra every house is influenced by three
Rashi (signs) e.g. in assumed case of Vrish Lagna the First House of the Sudarshana
Chakra comes under the influence of 1. Vrish Rashi (Sidereal Taurus), Mesh
Rashi (Sidereal Aries) and Mithuna Rashi (Sidereal Gemini)
(x) In Sudarshana – Chakra System of judging a horoscope the
Sun & Moon always influence First House of Sudarshana – Chakra by their
occupancies and Seventh House of it by their Seventh Aspects.
Chapter (IV)
Sudarshana – Chakra As
Stated In Brihitparasharhorashaastram
(i) The very concept of Sudarshana – Chakra for predictive
purposes is found only in Brihitparasharahorashaastram. The
Brihitparasharahorashaastram is the collections of teachings on Vedic Jyotish
given by Vedic muni Prashara to his disciple Meitrya.
(ii) Vedic muni Parashara in Brihitparasharahorashaastram
defines Sudarshana – Chakra as:
कालचक्रं दिव्यचक्रं सुदर्शनम्।
करांबुजावासमीडे तज्ज्ञानमद्भुतम्॥
[Vishwachakram Kaalchakram Divyachakram Sudarshnam!
Vishnoh Karaambujvaasmeede Tajjanaamadbhutam!!]
(iii) Translation Of Aforesaid
Sanskrit Shloka: All that occurs on earth (Vishwa), Time of
fructification of all the expected and unexpected events and the enlightenment
are the three main functions of Sudarshana – Chakra and the knowledge of
it is amazing That Sudarshana – Chakra is adorable which exists in the
hand of Vishnu.
(iv) The literal meaning of any Sanskrit Shloka given by any
Vedic rishi does not provide you the knowledge as these are written in codified
forms and very deep thinking is required to decode them. These types of
Sanskrit Shloka may have various meanings.
(IV/1) What Did I
Understand From It
(i) The very first thing is to understand the possible
meaning of all the three Sanskrit Words विश्वचक्रं (Vishwachakram), कालचक्रं (Kaalchakram) & दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) existing in aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka. The
very meaning of चक्र (Chakra) is
(ii) विश्वचक्रं (Vishwachakram): According to Vedic rishi Veda Vyasa the
Body Is The Abode Of Diseases and this truth even exists today in the entire
World. The people of the entire word have three basic requirements known as Aishna
according to Ayurveda and they are:
(a) Pran Aishna i.e. desire to have lifelong
(b) Dhana Aishna i.e. desire to have Wealth,
Education, Land, popularity, Power, Fulfillment of needs, Spouse, Children
& many more
( c) Parloka Aishna i.e. desire to get birth in
Superior Worlds after the death and this Cycle till today exists and everyone tries
his best to fulfill these three basic requirements.
(iii) In short all the events from individual basis to
Mundane basis come under विश्वचक्रं (Vishwachakram)
(iv) कालचक्रं (Kaalchakram): It is the कालचक्रं (Kaalchakram) or Time Cycle which gives results of
Karmic Approaches from birth to death as indicated by Planets in terms of Vedic
Jyotish. Vedic muni Parashara holds Surya (Sun) as the Soul Of Kaala. In
Vedic Literatures Parmatma Shiva has been described as the Devta of Surya(Sun)
or Devta of Soul of Kaala so he is also known as Mahakaala.
(a) When Sun in its transits reaches to its natal position
the time taken in moving so is said to be One Sidereal Year of exactly 360⁰ or
365.256363 days and this is the year used in to interpret Dasha / Antardasha
and erecting Varshphala (Vedic Annual Horoscopes). Let me clear this point
further as When Sidereal Sun transits the exaltation Sign of Auspicious Dasha
Lord then it gives Auspicious results of
that Dasha and when it transits the debilitation Sign of inauspicious Dasha
Lord it gives Adverse results. The Sidereal Year is used to erect Dashapravesh
Horoscopes which are used to analyses the Dasha like Sandhya Dasha,
Grahanusaar Bhava Dasha, Kaalhora Dasha and Neisergic Dasha.
(b) Always Remember: Dashapravesh
Horoscopes are impossible to erect in case of Nakshatra Dasha like Vinshottri,
Ashtottri, Yogini and Kaal Chakra Dasha etc.
(v) Vedic muni Parashara clearly describes two
types of use in timing of events from Sudarshana – Chakra as:
(a) 1. To predict the events on Yearly basis: Vedic
muni Parashara considers One Solar Year as the Mahadasha, in the Mahadasha of
one Year the existence of twelve Antardasha of one Solar Month each, Twelve
Pratyantar Dasha of 2.5 Solar Days each in every Antardasha, in every
Pratyanter Dasha the 12 Sookshamdasha of 12.5 Gathi (= 5 Hours) and in
every Sookshamdasha the 12 Pran Dasha of 1.0416666666666666666666666666667
Ghati (= 25 minutes) each
Note: Generally astrologers talks about the Timing of
Events through Sudarshana – Chakra on yearly basis only.
(b) Always Remember:
This technique of Timing the Events of Sudarshana – Chakra appears simple but
becomes tough. In several forthcoming paragraphs this will be explained.
( c) 2. To predict the events on Decade basis. Vedic
muni Prashara describes the other use to time an event on the basis of the
Mahadasha of 10 years and in a complete cycle there are 12 Mahadasha starting
from First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch.
Lg., Surya Lg.] to Twelfth
House ϵ [1, 12,
2] and total number of Years of 12
Mahadasha become equal to: 12 × 10 = 120 Years which is equal to Paramayu
(Absolute Age) of Vinshottri Dasha. In every Mahadasha of 10 Years there are
twelve Antardasha of 10 Months each.
(d) Let me explain this by giving the example of that
assumed case given earlier under Chapter: (II)/(v).
The following houses will be effective in coming years as given below:
First House ϵ [2. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya
Lg.] Mahadasha: From the Birth to 10 Years of that Assumed Native
Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]
Mahadasha: From 10 years to 20 years of that Assumed Native
Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]Mahadasha:
From 20 years to 30 years of that Assumed Native
Fourth House ϵ [5, 4, 6]
Mahadasha: From 30 years to 40 years of that Assumed Native
Fifth House ϵ [6, 5, 7]
Mahadasha: From 40 years to 50 years of that Assumed Native
Sixth House ϵ [7, 6, 8]
Mahadasha: From 50 years to 60 years of that Assumed Native
Seventh House ϵ [8, 7, 9]
Mahadasha: From 60 years to 70 years of that Assumed Native
Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]
Mahadasha: From 70 years to 80 years of that Assumed Native
Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]
Mahadasha: From 80 years to 90 years of that Assumed Native
Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]
Mahadasha: From 90 years to 100 years
Eleventh House ϵ [12, 11, 1]
Mahadasha: Fromm 100 years to 110 years
Twelfth House ϵ [1, 12, 2]
Mahadasha: From 110 years to 120 years.
(e) Hints To Judge Surdarshana – Chakra Dasha
(e1) The Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha should be judged
according to nature (Benefic or malefic), Karktwa (Sthir(Fixed)) and
Shodashvarga of Planets occupying the Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha under jusgement.
All the hints as written in Chapter (III) earlier in this Article should be
applied in case of both Decade Dasha and Yearly Dasha before arriving at
results (Good/Bad)
(e3) Don’t take the Sudarshan – Chakra Dasha to literal
meanings such as Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]
Mahadasha starts from 90 years to 100 years does not mean that the results
about profession, Karma and performing Vedic Yagya will occur within this
period and thinking so is a big joke so this Dasha depends on Planets occupying
the all the three rashi, two rashi or single Rashi of that Sthan Dasha
(Sudarshana – Chakra House Dasha)
(e4) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]
Mahadasha starting from 10 years to 20 years of that Assumed Native does not
mean that the native will involve in his family affaires. Second House also
indicates Education and thus the Second House Dasha of Sudarshana – Chakra also
indicates the results relating to academy so Planets occupying Second House of
Sudarshana – Chakra and their dispositions in Siddhansh – Chakra should be judged.
(e5) Always Remember:
Nowadays the native completes Intermediate Class and after getting admission to
Graduation comes to third year of graduation before the completion of 20 years
of life and this should be considered.
(e6) Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]
Mahadasha: From 70 years to 80 years that does not mean that any native’s end
of life occur within this period as due to better Medical Facilities and
awakening most of the natives live up to 90 years or in Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]
Mahadasha starting from 80 years to 90 years. Thus the results (Good/Bad) of
any Sudarshana – Chakra Sthan Dasha depend on Planets occupying it.
(e7) The Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]Mahadasha
starting from 20 years to 30 years and this is the time of carrier building. Nowadays
a native completes his education and start earning for his livelihood so
literally no Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha of 10th House operates within
20 years to 30 years but it is a fact. Planets influencing 3rd House
of Sudarshana – Chakra and their Dashmansh Positions indicate one’s
professional carrier and its functioning.
(e8) Astrologer should use his common sense to interoperate
this kind of Dasha
(e9) Note: This
kind of Dasha is hardly studied by any Astrologer so far. Here I would like to
recommend this Dasha to be used by every research minded Astrologer with
serious approaches.
(e10) Note: Never link this Sudarshana – Chakra Ten
Year Dasha (Total 120 Years) with Chakra Dasha of Ten Years (Total 120 Years)
as both the Dasha look similar but the condition to apply Chakra – Dasha is
different from this Dasha. The Chakra – Dasha will be described in any
forthcoming Article.
(f) Let us find out the Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha of 120
Years in that assumed case given earlier under Chapter:
(II)/(v) and now let as also assume the Date of Birth Of that assumed
Native to be: June 29, 1864
(f1) First House ϵ [2. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya
Lg.] Mahadasha: From June 29, 1864 to
June 29, 1874 of that Assumed Native
(f2) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1874 to June 29, 1884
of that Assumed Native
(f3) Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]Mahadasha:
From June 29, 1884 to June 29, 1894 of
that Assumed Native
(f4) Fourth House ϵ [5, 4, 6]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1894 to June 29, 1904
of that Assumed Native
(f5) Fifth House ϵ [6, 5, 7]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1904 to June 29, 1914
of that Assumed Native
(f6) Sixth House ϵ [7, 6, 8]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1914 to June 29, 1924
of that Assumed Native
(f7) Seventh House ϵ [8, 7, 9]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1924 to June 29, 1934
of that Assumed Native
(f8) Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1934 to June 29, 1944
of that Assumed Native
(f9) Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1944 to June 29, 1954
of that Assumed Native
(f10) Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1954 to June 29, 1964
of that Assumed Native
(f11) Eleventh House ϵ [12, 11, 1]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1964 to June 29, 1974
of that Assumed Native
(f12) Twelfth House ϵ [1, 12, 2]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1974 to June 29, 1984
of that Assumed Native
(f13) Note: In
case of that Assumed Native the Vrish Rashi (Sidereal Taurus, 2) influenced
native from June 29, 1864 to June 29, 1884 i.e. for Twenty Years Of His Life.
See just under (f1 & f2)
(f14) Note: In case of that Assumed Native the
Mithuna Rashi (Sidereal Gemini) influenced the native from June 29, 1864 to
June 29, 1894 i.e. For Thirty Years Of His Life. See Just under (f1, f2
& f3)
(f15) Note: In case of that Assumed Native the Kark
Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) influenced the native from June 29, 1874 to June 29,
1904 i.e. For Thirty Years Of His Life. See Just under (f2, f3 & f4)
(f16) Note: Planets occupying Vrish Rashi (Sidereal
Taurus) in Rashi and Shodash Varga give results (Good/Bad) to that Assumed
Native within in June 29, 1864 to June 29, 1884
(f17) Note: Planets occupying Mithuna Rashi (Sidereal
Gemini) in Rashi and Shodash Varga give results (Good/Bad) to that Assumed
Native within in June 29, 1864 to June 29, 1894
(f18) Note: Planets occupying Kark Rashi (Sidereal
Cancer) in Rashi and Shodash Varga give results (Good/Bad) to that Assumed
Native within in June 29, 1874 to June 29, 1904
(f19) Note: To judge the Academic Prospects of that
Assumed Native the disposition of Planets in Vrish, Mithuna & Kark Rashi in Siddhansh Chart (Also
known as Chaturvinshansh Chart and symbolized as D24) should be
(g) While dealing with Chara Kaarka System Vedic muni
Parashara says:
(g1) Vedic muni Parashara Says:
सूर्यादिखेचरान्स्पष्टान् साध्येज्जन्मवद्द्विज॥१६॥
(g2)English Translation:
(g3) दशाप्रारंभसमय (Dashaprarambhsamay): At the time of
commencement of Dasha (here Rashi Dasha such as Chara Dasha, Sthir Dasha and
Chakra Dasha etc. and not the Nakshatra Dasha like Kaal Chakra Dasha).
(g4) शोधयेतज्जन्मलग्नवत
(Shodhyetjjanamlagnavet): Calculate
Lagna (Ascendant) like Janmlagna (Natal Ascendant)
(g5) सूर्यादिखेचरान्स्पष्टान् (Suryaadikhecharanspshtaan):
Starting from the Sun calculate the longitude of Planets of other Planets as
done in case of Janamaang (Natal Chart)
(g6) साध्येज्जन्मवद्द्विज (Saadhyetjjanvaddiwaj): The
results (Good/Bad) should be predicted like as in case of Janamaang (Natal
Chart) by an Astrologer
(g7) Now the meaning of the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka becomes
as follows:
Astrologer should calculate the Rising Sign at the Commencement of Dasha and
also calculate the longitude of various Planets at that very moment. Like Natal
Horoscope from the Dasha Pravesh Horoscope the results (Good/Bad) should be
predicted by an Astrologer of that Commenced Dasha.
(h) The great
Vedic muni Parashara considers one year as the Mahadaha of One Year. Great
exponents of Vedic Jyotish like Mahakavi Kalidasa and Mantreshwara also support
Parashara in accepting a Vedic Year for individual basis starts when Sidereal
Sun in its Transit comes to Rashi (Sign), Degrees, Minutes and Seconds of the
Natal Sun a Sidereal Year is said to commence.
(h1) Note: If the Dasha Pravesh Horoscope of this
Mahadaha of One Year is erected then it becomes what is known as Vedic
Varshphala or Vedic Annual Horoscope.
(h2) Note:
The very concept of Varshphala exists in the wordings of great Vedic muni
Parashara and it is taken by Tajik experts to develop Tajik Techniques.
(vi) In short from time of birth to time of death on
individual basis and from time of creation to time of destruction on Mundane
basis all that come under कालचक्रं (Kaalchakram)
(vii) दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram): Through common sense it can be under stood
that the Sanskrit Word: दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) indicates Cycle Of Divinity so it
appears to reflect spirituality and all the Spiritual Kingdom comes under that
but as earlier I have said that the Sanskrit Shloka give by Vedic rishi and
muni contain various meanings and that should be decoded. The Sanskrit word दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) can
also be interpreted as Divine Cycle and if that is also taken into
consideration then the meaning of this Sanskrit Word will be extended.
(viii) Before going into details of दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) or Divine Cycle it will be wise to
tell you about Yuga System as described in almost all the Vedic Puranas
and the ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish. In the ancient texts on Mathematical
Jyotish the Planetary calculations has been done on the basis of Yuga. Person
intending to get that knowledge should read the ancient texts on Mathematical
Jyotish like Surya Siddhant.
(a) According to Vedic Literatures the present Vedic Era of Kaliyuga is going on. Kaliyuga is supposed to
be of 432000 Solar Years in which a Solar Year is of 360 Solar Days not 365
Days. Dwapura is Twice the Solar Years of, Treta is the thrice and Satyuga is
Four times of Kaliyuga in length. It can be written Mathematically as below:
(a1) Kaiyuga = 432000 = 432000 Solar Years
(a2) Dwapura = 2 × 432000 = 864000 Solar Years
(a3) Treta = 3 × 432000 = 1296000 Solar Years
(a4) Satyuga = 4 × 432000 = 1728000 Solar Years
(a5) Now rearranging it from Satyuga to Kaliyuga:
(a6) Satyuga = 1728000 Solar Years
(a7) Treta = 1296000 Solar Years
(a8) Dwapura = 864000 Solar Years
(a9) Kaliyuga = 432000 Solar Years
(b) A Mahayuga is the Sum of Total Number of Solar Years
from Satyuga to Kaliyuga.
(b1) Mathematically, A Mahayuga = Satyuga + Treta + Dwapura
+ Kaliyuga
(b2) A Mahayuga = (1728000 + 1296000 + 864000 + 432000)
Solar Years
Mahayuga = (4320000
Solar Years
(b3) Thus a Mahayuga consisting of Satyuga, Treta, Dwapura
and Kaliyuga is of 4320000 Solar Years which is 10 times of Kaliyuga
( c ) Let me further make it clear that a Solar Year =
365.256363 Sidereal Days according to Modern Calculations.
(d) The 12000 Years of is also a measure of a Mahayuga according
to Bhavishya Purana and these 12000 Years are known as 12000 Divya
Varsh or 12000 Divine Years
One Mahayuga = 12000 Divya Varsh (Divine Years) = 4320000
Solar Years
(e) Thus 12000 Divya Varsh (Divine Years) = 4320000 Solar
(e1) One Divya Varsh (Divine Years) = (4320000/12000)
Solar Years = 360 Solar Years
(e2) One Divya Varsh (Divine Years) = 360 Solar Years
(f) A Divya Varsh (Divine Years) also consists of 360
Divya Dina (Divine Days) and thus
A Divya Dina (Divine Day) = (Divya Varsh (Divine
Years)) ÷ 360 = One Solar Years
One Divya Dina (Divine Day) = One Solar Year
(g) In Bhavishya Purana
and other Vedic Purana too one Divya Dina (Divine Day) is said
to be equal to One Solar Year of the life on Earth. In forthcoming Paragraphs
this will be used.
(ix) In Vedic Literatures a Shivstuti is often found
and that proved a blessing for me to understand the Sudarsana – Chakra
and its functioning. That Shivstuti in Sanskrit is as follows:
वन्दे देवमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वन्दे जगतकारणं
वन्दे पन्नगभूषणं मृगधरं वन्दे पशूनां पतिम्।
वन्दे सूर्यशशाङ्कवह्निनयनं वन्दे मुकुन्दप्रियं
वन्दे भक्तजनाश्रयं च वरदं वन्दे शिवं शंङ्करम्॥
[Vande Devmumapatim Surgurm
Pangbhushanam Mrigdharam Vande
Pashunaam Patim!
Vande Suryshashaankvahininayanam Vande
Bhaktjanaashryam Ch Vardam Vande
Shivam Shankaram!!]
(a) English
Translation: For the benefit of all of you I am translating the aforesaid
Shivstuti from Sanskrit to English which is as follows:
(a1) वन्दे (Vande):
Adoring to
(a2) देवमुमापतिं (Devmumapatim): The lord of Devta (Devta are Thirty three crores in number) &
the lord of Uma (Parvati)
(a3) सुरगुरुं (Surgurm):
Guru of Devta
(a4) जगतकारणं (Jagatkaaranam): The very cause of the Universe
(a5) पन्नगभूषणं (Pangbhushanam):
Who wears the Serpents as ornaments.
(a6) मृगधरं (Mrigdharam):
Literally Sanskrit Word Mriga means Deer but in Sanskrit literatures this
Sanskrit Word Mriga many times also indicates bests such as Simh (Lion) &
Bagh (Tiger) etc. and animals like Aja (Goat) & Gaja(Elephant) etc. In
Vedic Purana Shiva is also called as बाघाम्बरी (Baghambari, Who wears Tiger Skin as Cloth) and Kritivaas
(Who wears Elephant Skin as Cloths) that is why Shiva is also known as मृगधरं (Mrigdharam)
(a7) पशूनां पतिम्
(Pashunaam Patim): The Sanskrit Word Pashu literally means
Animal but in Vedic Literatures this Sanskrit word is also referred to as all
the species starting from Deva(All types of Gods) to Pischaach (Ghost like
Vampires) and because of having the lordship over them Parmatma Shiva is also
known as Pashupati.
(a8) सूर्यशशाङ्कवह्निनयनं
(Suryshashaankvahininayanam): One who has Surya (Sun) as Dakshin Nayana (Right Eye), Shashaank (Moon) as Vaam Nayana (Left Eye) and Vahini
(Fire) as Treteya Nayana (Third
(a9) मुकुन्दप्रियं
(Mukundpriyam): Who is Dear to Vishnu (Vishnu the
Preserver Of The Universe also known as Mukunda)
(a10) भक्तजनाश्रयं
(Bhaktjanaashryam): Who gives shelter to all of his
(a11) च
(Ch): And
(a12) वरदं
(Vardam): Who gives boons
(a13) शिवं शंङ्करम्
Shankaram): Shivam Shankaram
is the denotation given to Parmatma Shiva in Vedic Literatures.
(a14) Now the
meaning of the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka becomes as follows:
Adoration to that lord of all
the Deva and Uma (Parvati) who is also the Guru of all the Deva, Adoration to the
very cause of this Universe
Adoration to him who wears the Serpents as ornaments
& also wears the Skins of tiger & elephant as cloth and adoration to
him who has lordship over all the species starting from Deva (Gods) to
Pischaach (Ghosts like Vampires)
Adoration to him who has
Surya (Sun) as his right eye, Chandra (Shashaanka, Moon) as his left eye and
Agni (Fire) as third eye and Adoration to him who is dear to lord Vishnu the
preserver of the Universe.
Adoration to him who Sihvam Shankram and gives shelter
& boons to all of his devotees.
(xi) The Sanskrit sentence सूर्यशशाङ्कवह्निनयनं
(Suryshashaankvahininayanam) existing in the
third line of the aforesaid शिवस्तुति (Shivstuti) whose translation has been given
earlier always caught my attention and I understood that in terms of Jyotisha.
(a) Parmatma Shiva
is the origin of all forms of knowledge that also includes Jyotish as Vedic
muni Parashara too gave Shiva Mantra to increase the knowledge of Jyotisha in
Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra. In Vedic Literaturethe three eyes of Parmatma
Shiva are also called the three Veda such as 1. Rig Veda 2. Yajur Veda & 3.
Sama Veda. In Vedic Jyotish the Jyotish is said to be the Eyes of Veda so the
Eyes of Shiva also indicate about Jyotish.
(b) In Sudarshana
– Chakra, in its outer most Circle the Surya Kundli is placed and the Right Eye
of Shiva is the Sun, in the middle circle of Sudarshana – Chakra the Chandra
Kundli exists and the Left Eye of Shiva is Moon and in the inner most circle
the Lagna Kundli exists and the Third Eye is Agni. But this does not seem to
relate the Lagna Kundli with Third Eye the Agni. You will notice the Lagna
(Ascendant), Pancham (Fifth) and Navam (Ninth) houses are also known as Aagney
Bhava (Fiery Houses) in Vedic Jyotish so on those grounds the Lagna Sthana of
Lagna Kundli can be the Agney (Firey) Eye of Shiva. Parmatma Shiva is the abode
of Diveytaa (Divinity) and thus Sudarshana – Chakra was mentioned as दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) in
Vedic Jyotish.
( c) I don’t
know if this Sudarshana – Chakra is used in Anusthana or Puja but in my opinion
the Karmkanda experts should use it in Anusthana and Puja.
(xii) One of the uses
of Sudarshana – Chakra in Brihit Parashara Horashaastra is about making Annual
Predictions as written earlier in this Article. Vedic Muni Parashara mentions
that the First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1.
Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] is used to
predict about the very first year from the birth of any native, Second House ϵ
2, 2]
is considered to predict the 2nd Year from the birth of the native
…..and similarly Twelfth House ϵ [12, 12, 12]
is considered to predict the 12th Year from the birth year of the
(a) Let me explain this by giving the example of that
assumed case given earlier under Chapter: (II)/(v).
The following houses will be effective in coming years as given below:
(a1) First House ϵ [2. Lagna,
1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya Lg.]: It indicates the good and bad
results occurring in the very First Year from the birth of that assumed
(a2) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]: It
indicates the good and bad results occurring in the Second Year from the
birth of that assumed native.
(a3) Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Third Year from
the birth of that assumed native.
(a4) Fourth House ϵ [5, 4, 6]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Fourth Year
from the birth of that assumed native.
(a5) Fifth House ϵ [6, 5, 7]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Fifth Year from
the birth of that assumed native
(a6) Sixth House ϵ [7, 6, 8]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Sixth Year from
the birth of that assumed native
(a7) Seventh House ϵ [8, 7, 9]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Seventh Year
from the birth of that assumed native
(a8) Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Eighth Year
from the birth of that assumed native
(a9) Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Ninth Year from
the birth of that assumed native
(a10) Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Tenth Year from
the birth of that assumed native
(a11) Eleventh House ϵ [12, 11, 1]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Eleventh Year
from the birth of that assumed native
(a12) Twelfth House ϵ [1, 12, 2]:
It indicates the good & bad results occurring in the Twelfth Year
from the birth of that assumed native
(xiii) Always Remember:
(a) From Thirteenth Year onwards the Cycle starts repeating
from First House for the coming Twelve Years.
(b) If you see the occurrence of good or bad results of each
house according to the Sudarshana – Chakra you will find that the first house
of Sudarshana – Chakra gives its good and bad results within the very first
year from once birth, Second House in Second Year and so on. It is the Forward
Progression (Agra Pragman) of One Sidereal Sign or 30⁰. In other
words we can say 30⁰ for a year.
( c) Vedic muni Parashara Lagna Kundli to be drawn in the
inner most Circle of the Sudarshana – Chakra so Vedic muni Parashara never
wants Chalit – Chakra distribution of Planets to be applied in the Sudarshana –
Chakra Scheme.
( c1) Note: In fact Chalit –
Chakra is another greatest Scheme that works in different ways.
(xiv) As already said earlier about the Houses to give their
results (Good/Bad) on Yearly basis through Sudarshana – Chakra Scheme under
((IV/1)/xii/a1 to a12). Now apply this to the case of that Assumed Native and
by supposing his Lagna (Sidereal Ascendant) to be Vrish 25⁰ 12’ 23”,
Chandra Lagna (Vedic Moon Sign): Mesh 14⁰ 54’
08” and Surya Lagna (Vedic Sun Sign): Mithuna
15⁰ 23’ 13” then the yearly:
(a1) First House ϵ [2. Lagna,
1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya Lg.]: It indicates the good and bad
results occurring within First Year i.e. June 29, 1864 to June 29,
1865 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna existing in first
house remain same = [Vrish 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Mesh
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Mithuna 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a2) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Second Year i.e. June
29, 1865 to June 29, 1866 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Second House become = [Mithuna 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Vrish 14⁰ 54’ 08” & Kark 15⁰
23’ 13”]
(a3) Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Third Year i.e. June
29, 1866 to June 29, 1867 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Third House become = [Kark 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Mithuna
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Simh 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a4) Forth House ϵ [5, 4, 6]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Forth Year i.e. June
29, 1867 to June 29, 1868 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Forth House become = [Simh 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Kark
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Kanya 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a5) Fifth House ϵ [6, 5, 7]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Fifth Year i.e. June
29, 1868 to June 29, 1869 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Fifth House become = [Kanya 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Simh
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Tula 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a6) Sixth House ϵ [7, 6, 8]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Sixth Year i.e. June
29, 1869 to June 29, 1870 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Sixth House become = [Tula 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Kanya
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Vrischika 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a7) Seventh House ϵ [8, 7, 9]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Seventh Year i.e.
June 29, 1871 to June 29, 1872 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three
Lagna existing in Seventh House become = [Vrischika 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Tula 14⁰ 54’ 08” & Dhanur 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a8) Eighth House ϵ [9, 8, 10]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Eighth Year i.e. June
29, 1872 to June 29, 1873 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Eighth House become = [Dhanur 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Vrischika
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Makar 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a9) Ninth House ϵ [10, 9, 11]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Ninth Year i.e. June
29, 1873 to June 29, 1874 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Ninth House become = [Makar 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Dhanur
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Kumbh 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a10) Tenth House ϵ [11, 10, 12]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Tenth Year i.e. June
29, 1874 to June 29, 1875 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three Lagna
existing in Tenth House become = [Kumbh 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Makar
14⁰ 54’ 08” & Meen 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a11) Eleventh House ϵ [12, 11, 1]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Eleventh Year
i.e. June 29, 1875 to June 29, 1876 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the
three Lagna existing in Eleventh House become = [Meen 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Kumbh 14⁰ 54’ 08” & Mesh 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a12) Twelfth House ϵ [1, 12, 2]:
It indicates the good and bad results occurring within Twelfth Year i.e.
June 29, 1876 to June 29, 1877 of that Assumed Native i.e. All the three
Lagna existing in Twelfth House become = [Mesh 25⁰ 12’ 23”, Meen 14⁰ 54’ 08” & Vrish 15⁰ 23’ 13”]
(a13) It is clear that all the three Lagna Longitude
progress One Sign Annually.
(a14) Note: The progression of Lagna (Sidereal
Ascendant) at an annual rate of One Sign (30⁰) is known as Muntha in Tajik
System so the very concept of Muntha also exists in the wordings of Vedic muni Parashara
about Sudarshana – Chakra and my understandings of Vedic Jyotish confirms it.
(a15) As earlier described that at the commencement of
Mahadasha of One Year the Horoscope should be erected and influence of the
Planets on Muntha (Progressed Ascendant) should also judged and it will give
the good/bad results of the House it occupies in the Natal Chart.
(a16) Also judge the influence of Planets on Muntha in Natal
Horoscope it will give the good/bad results of the House it occupies in an
Annual Horoscope.
(a17) Note: Astrologers disregarding Muntha should regard
it as it is very much effective and its concept exists in Sudarshana – Chakra.
Several experts also recommend the judgment of Muntha Kundli also in Varshphala
(Vedic Annual Horoscope)
(xv) As already written that in the innermost circle of the
Sudarshana – Chakra the Rashi – Chakra should be drawn. All of you are well
aware that Rahi – Chakra (Symbolized as D1) is the very First Varga (Each Sign=
30⁰) of Shodash Varga followed by Hora Varga (Two Divisions of 15⁰
Each), Drashkana Varga (Three Divisions of 10⁰ Each), Chaturthansh Varga
(Four Divisions of 7⁰ 30’ Each), Saptansh Varga (Seven Divisions of 4⁰
17’ 09” Each), Navansh Varga (Nine Divisions of 3⁰ 20’ Each),
Dashmansh Varga (Ten Divisions of 3⁰ Each), Dwadashansh Varga (Twelve
Divisions of 2⁰ 30’ Each), Shodashansh Varga (Sixteen Divisions of 1⁰
52’ 30” Each), Vinshansh Varga (Twenty Divisions of 1⁰ 30’ Each),
Siddhansh Varga (Twenty Four Divisions of 1⁰ 15’ Each), Bhansh Varga
(Twenty Seven Divisions of 1⁰ 06’ 40” Each), Trishansh
Varga (Uneven Varga), Khavedansh Vargs (Forty Divisions of 0⁰ 45’
Each), Akshvedansh Varga (Forty five Divisions of 0⁰ 40’ Each) and
Shashtimansh Varga (Sixty Divisions of 0⁰ 30’ Each). From it we can see
only Trinshansh Varga is Uneven.
(xvi) If Vedic muni Parashara wants Rashi – Chakra to be
constructed in the innermost circle of the Sudarshana – Chakra and as per my
understandings of Vedic Jyotish all the three Lagna Progression at a rate of
30⁰ Annually and Rashi – Chakra is the First Member of Shodash Varga then there
is no harm to apply this concept of Progression to other Shodash Varga Charts
like Drashkana, Navansh and Dashmansh etc.
(a) To know well being about one’s Health & general
Events the First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1.
Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be
progressed at an annual rate of 30⁰
(a1) To know events about one’s brother/sisters the First
House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch.
Lg., Surya Lg.] should be
progressed at an annual rate of 10⁰. This is Drashkana Progression
(a2) To know events about one’s Future and acquisition of
landed property the First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an annual rate
of 7⁰ 30’. This is Chaturthansh Progression
(a3) To know events about one’s Children the First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an annual rate
of 4⁰ 17’ 19”. This is Saptansh Progression
(a4) To know events about one’s Spouse the First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an annual rate
of 3⁰ 20’. This is Navansh Progression
(a5) To know events about one’s Profession the First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an annual rate
of 3⁰. This is Dashmansh Progrression
(a6) To know the well being and events about one’s Parents
the First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch.
Lg., Surya Lg.] should be
progressed at an annual rate of 2⁰ 30’. This is Dwadashansh Progresson
(a7) To know events about the acquisition of one’s Assets
the First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch.
Lg., Surya Lg.] should be
progressed at an annual rate of 1⁰ 52’ 30”. This is Shodashansh Progression
(a8) To know about one’s Spiritual Prospects the First House
ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg.,
Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an
annual rate of 1⁰ 30’. This is Shodashansh Progression
(a9) To know about one’s Academic Prospects & Knowledge
the First House ϵ [1. Lagna, 1. Ch.
Lg., Surya Lg.] should be
progressed at an annual rate of 1⁰ 15’. This is Siddhansh Progression
(a10) To know about one’s Inner Strength the First House ϵ
Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., Surya Lg.] should be progressed at an annual rate
of 1⁰ 06’ 40”. This is Bhansh Progression
(a11) Always Remember:
It is not advisable to consider the Khavedansh Progressions, Akshvedansh
Progressions and Shashtimansh Progression.
(a12) Note: Sudarshans
– Chakra is the root of all kinds of Progressions. My vast experience and
researches done in the field of Vedic Jyotish confirm this.
(b) The Trishansh
Varga (Uneven Varga) as given under Shodash Varga Scheme is not of regular
order so its progressions are not possible but Vedic muni Parashar also
describes other type of Trishansh of exactly 1⁰ uniform Division which exists
in the UttraKhanda (Letter Half) of the Brihitparasharahorashaastram
and there it is given in somewhat coded form so it took several years for me to
decode that. For the first time I am explaining this kind of Trishansh
(b1) In that second type of Trishansh every Trishansh is of
1⁰ each so every Sign contains = 30 × 1 = 30 Trishansh
(b2) In Twelve Signs the Total No. of Trishansh = 12 × 30 =
360 Trishansh of 1⁰ Each.
( c) Note: I found this kind of regular Trishansh
working wonderfully in Agrapragmana (Forward Progressions).
(d) As already written in this Article that under Chapter (IV)/((iv)/1)/(viii)/f
& Chapter (IV)/((iv)/1)/(viii)/g that one Divya Dina (Divine Day) is one Solar
Year then this Trishansh Progression of 1⁰ at an annual rate will indicate the
all the good/bad results but before that it becomes essential to prove that
Surya, Chandra & Agni representing Surya Lagna, Chandra Lagna and Lagna of
Sudarshana – Chakra respectively are also considered as Devta in Vedic Jyotish
(d1) Vedic muni Parashara while describing the second kind
of Trishansh says that anyone will be the devotee of a particular Devta (Vedic
God) depending on the no. of Trishansh rising in his Lagna (Sidereal Ascendant).
Those Trishansh Devta are as follows:
(d2) Surya Devta: If a person is born in First Trishansh
i.e. from 0⁰ to 1⁰ will devote Surya (Sun)
(d3) Shiva Devta: If a person is born in Second Trishansh
i.e. from 1⁰ to 2⁰ will devote Shiva
(d4) Hari Devta: If a person is born in Third Trishansh
i.e. from 2⁰ to 3⁰ will devote Hari
(d5) Vishnu Devta: If a person is born in Forth Trishansh
i.e. from 3⁰ to 4⁰ will devote Vishnu
(d6) Shiva Devta: If a person is born in Fifth Trishansh
i.e. from 4⁰ to 5⁰ will devote Shiva
(d7) Durga Devta: If a person is born in Sixth Trishansh
i.e. from 5⁰ to 6⁰ will devote Durga
(d8) Ganpati Devta: If a person is born in Seventh
Trishansh i.e. from 6⁰ to 7⁰ will devote Ganpati
(d9) Chandika Devta: If a person is born in Eighth
Trishansh i.e. from 7⁰ to 8⁰ will devote Chandika
(d10) Chandi Devta: If a person is born in Ninth
Trishansh i.e. from 8⁰ to 9⁰ will devote Chandi
(d11) Shiva Devta: If a person is born in Tenth Trishansh
i.e. from 9⁰ to 10⁰ will devote Shiva
(d12) Chandra Devta: If a person is born in Eleventh
Trishansh i.e. from 10⁰ to 11⁰ will devote Chandra (Shashank or Moon)
(d13) Vishnu Devta: If a person is born in Twelfth
Trishansh i.e. from 11⁰ to 12⁰ will devote Vishnu
(d14) Shiva Devta: If a person is born in Thirteenth
Trishansh i.e. from 12⁰ to 13⁰ will devote Shiva
(d15) Agni Devta: If a person is born in Fourteenth Trishansh
i.e. from 13⁰ to 14⁰ will devote Agini (Vahini, Fire)
(d16) Tripura Devta: If a person is born in Fifteenth
Trishansh i.e. from 14⁰ to 15⁰ will devote Tripurai
(d17) Indira Devta: If a person is born in Sixteenth
Trishansh i.e. from 15⁰ to 16⁰ will devote Indira
(d18) Vishnu Devta: If a person is born in Seventeenth
Trishansh i.e. from 16⁰ to 17⁰ will devote Vishnu
(d19) Hari Devta: If a person is born in Eighteenth
Trishansh i.e. from 17⁰ to 18⁰ will devote Hari
(d20) Shankar Devta: If a person is born in Nineteenth
Trishansh i.e. from 18⁰ to 19⁰ will devote Shankar (Shiva)
(d21) Shambhu Devta: If a person is born in Twentieth
Trishansh i.e. from 19⁰ to 20⁰ will devote Shambhu (Shiva)
(d22) Kshatrapal Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-first
Trishansh i.e. from 20⁰ to 21⁰ will devote Kshatrapal
(d23) Gaurada Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-second
Trishansh i.e. from 21⁰ to 22⁰ will devote Gaurada
(d24) Scanda Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-third
Trishansh i.e. from 22⁰ to 23⁰ will devote Scanda
(d25) Sarswati Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-forth
Trishansh i.e. from 23⁰ to 24⁰ will devote Sarswati
(d26) Brahma Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-fifth
Trishansh i.e. from 24⁰ to 25⁰ will devote Brahma
(d27) Shiva Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-sixth
Trishansh i.e. from 25⁰ to 26⁰ will devote Shiva
(d28) Garuda Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-seventh
Trishansh i.e. from 26⁰ to 27⁰ will devote Garuda
(d29) Jin Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-eighth
Trishansh i.e. from 27⁰ to 28⁰ will devote Jin
(d30) Buddh Devta: If a person is born in Twenty-ninth
Trishansh i.e. from 28⁰ to 29⁰ will devote Buddh
(d31) Sarva Devta: If a person is born in Thirtieth
Trishansh i.e. from 29⁰ to 30⁰ will devote Sarva Devta (All Vedic Gods)
(d32) From above it becomes clear that Surya (Sun) under
(d2), Chandra (Shshank, Moon) under (d12) and Agini (Vahini, Fire) under (d15)
are Vedic Devta thus it can be said easily that in Sudarshana – Chakra Scheme
the Surya Lagna, Chandra Lagna and Lagna (First House is Fiery House)
are Devta so the 1⁰ (One Divine Day) forward progression to these Three Lagna
will indicate One Solar Year of 365.256363 Sidereal Days.
(e) In all the Shodash Varga except Rashi Chakra all the
Varga are ruled by various Vedic Deities but the Second Type of Trishansh indicate
which Vedic Devta one will devote to in his lifetime.
(f) If the Trishansh – Chakra is prepared on this Second
Trishansh then every Odd Sign will start with Mesh Rashi (Sidereal Aries) and
every Even Sign will start with Tula Rashi (Sidereal Libra) and these Thirty
Devta become the Devta fro First Trishansh to Thirtieth Trishansh respectively.
(xvii) Note: Thus the Sanskrit Word दिव्यचक्रं (Divyachakram) as
attributed by Vedic muni Parashara to Sudarshana – Chakra is not such easy to
understand and no one has interpreted this before like this.
(IV/2) The very meaning of Sanskrit Word Sudarshana is to
Visualize Auspiciously where prefix “Su” stands for Auspicious and “Darshana”
stands for Visualization. Its other meaning is Auspicious Philosophy where
“Darshana” also stands for Vedic Philosophy.
(i) It is through Sudarshana – Chakra an Astrologer is able
to visualize the events from Individual Level to Mundane Level, time of
fructifying the events displayed through Sudarshana – Chakra and of course Progressions
(ii) According to Vedic muni Parashara this Sudarshana –
Chakra is the Kamadhenu (The
Vedic Divine Cow) to understand the Tatwa of Jyotish.
Chapter (V)
Analysis Of The Sudarshana
– Chakra Of A Practical Case
(i) A research oriented work on Sudarshana – Chakra as per
my understandings of Vedic Literatures and Vedic Jyotish has been described in
detail so far. Just to make you understand about the applicability of
Sudarshana – Chakra, a practical case of that Assumed Native will be discussed
here in short.
(ii) The Native described as Assumed Native in foregoing Chapters
and Paragraphs of this Article is none other than Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee also
known as The Tiger Of Bengal. He was accomplished Mathematician, Lawyer,
Judge and Academician.
(iii) Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee was born on June 29,
1864 at Ballygaunge, Calcutta, India at 03:55 (LMT). In this Chapter (V) the
academic prospects of him will be discussed on the basis of Sudarshana –
Chakra. The following Table indicates the position of Planets and other
Elements at his birth:
(iv) Budh (Mercury) is the Vidyakarka (Indicator of Academy)
so his position should be judged in Sudarshana – Chakra. Mercury besides being
the indicator of Academy also indicates level of intelligence so its position
in Siddhansh (D24) and Bhansh (D27) should also be judged.
(a) From above Table it is cleared that in Bhansh Divisions
Mercury occupies its own Sign Mit (Mithuna) so it indicates the highest level
of intelligence of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.
(a1) In Rashi – Chart Mercury indicating Academy gets 7
benefic lines out of 8 benefic Lines in its Ashtaka Varga and in its own
Ashtaka Varga of Siddhansh Chart this Mercury also gets 7 benefic Lines out of
8 benefic Lines. This position of Mercury does wonders in Academic Fields.
(a2) Note: The position of Mercury in the Horoscope
of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee is outstanding.
The following is the Sudarshana – Chakra of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee:
![]() |
Sudarshana - Chakra |
(a) In Innermost Circular Chakra the Lagna
Ascendant) is Vrish (Sidereal Taurus) occupied by 5th
lord Mercury which is outstandingly placed in conjunction with natural benefic
Upagrah Yamakantaka and it indicates good Academy of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.
(b) In the Middle Circular Chakra the Chandra Lagna
is Mesh (Sidereal
Aries) occupied by its own lord Mars. Vidya Saham (Lot Of Academy)
also falls in Mesh (Sidereal Aries) and there this Vidya Saham is
occupied by its own lord Mars, natural benefic Planet Moon and the node Ketu.
This made him brilliant in Academy
(b1) The presence of natural benefic Ardhyama in Vidya Saham
and its conjunction with Moon, Mars & Ketu
and the 7th aspect of Jupiter falling on this Vidya Saham,
its lord Mars, its occupants Moon and Ardhyama made him legend in the field of
( c) In the Outermost Circular Chakra the Surya Lagna is Mithuna
(Sidereal Gemini) which is occupied by
Fifth Lord Venus and there Venus receives 9th Aspect from natural
benefic and the indicator of knowledge and wisdom Jupiter. This is good
combination of Academy.
( c1) The Lord of Surya Lagna Mithuna (Vedic Sun Sign
Gemini) Mercury is in 12th house in conjunction with natural benefic
Yamakantaka and this made him outstanding in Academy.
( c2) Always Remember:
Well disposition of Lord
of Lagna in 12th house or 8th house makes one very
(vi) The Timing Of events Through
Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha:
(a) As written earlier in foregoing Chapters of this Article
about Sudarshana – Chakra Dasha of that Assumed Native (Sir Ashutosh
Mukherjee) once again those Sudarshana – Chakra details are once again
given hereunder up to his 40 years of age only:
(a1) First House ϵ [2. Lagna, 1. Ch. Lg., 3.Surya
Lg.] Mahadasha: From June 29, 1864 to
June 29, 1874
(a2) Second House ϵ [3, 2, 4]
Mahadasha: From June 29, 1874 to June 29, 1884
(a3) Third House ϵ [4, 3, 5]Mahadasha:
From June 29, 1884 to June 29, 1894
(b) During the progress of First House Sudarshana – Chakra
Dasha, Second House Dasha & Third House Dasha the Mithuna Rashi influenced
Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee from June 29, 1864 to June 29, 1894 i.e. for his
thirty years of age. In Bhansh Divisions the lord of Mithuna Rashi Mercury
occupies the Bhansh of Mithuna Rashi. This period gave him advanced level of
(c) During the progress of Second and Third House Sudarshana
– Chakra Dasha from June 29, 1874 to June 29, 1894 Kark Rashi influenced Sir Ashutosh
Mukherjee. In Siddhansh Divisions Kark Rashi is occupied by its own lord
Moon and natural benefic Upagraha Ardhyama. This not only gave him Academic
Successes but also made him Academic Legend. Following are few events
concerning the Academy of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee as gathered from
various sources available at internet within June 29, 1874 to June 29, 1894:
(c1) It was in November 1879 he passed the entrance exams
conducted by Calcutta University there he stood second and he also got
Scholarship on that ground. He was of 15 Years at that time.
(c2) He took admission at Presidency College in 1880 and
apart of being first year undergraduate he published his first research paper
on Mathematics on a new proof of the 25th proposition of Euclid’s
first book
(c3) In 1883 he topped the BA examination at Calcutta University
(c4) In 1884 he won Harishchandra Prize for academic
(c5) In 1885 he completed MA (Hons) with first class in
(c6) In 1886 he was awarded second Master Degree in natural
sciences that made him first student to awarded dual degree from Calcutta
University. In the same year he also published his third mathematical research
paper: “A Note On Elliptic Functions.” A distinguished British mathematician
and a fellow of Royal Society Arthur Cayley praised his paper as a
contribution of outstanding merit. At that age of 22, he was elected as a
fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and this made him further recognized.
(c7) In his thirties he continuously published papers on
Mathematics and Physics.
(c8) In 1893 he was further elected to the fellowships of
Physical Society of France, Mathematical Society of Palermo and he was also the
member of Royal Irish Academy.
(c9) He also became the member of London Mathematical
Society, Paris Mathematical Society and American Mathematical Society in 1900.
(c10) Note: The occurrence of Mithuna & Kark
Rashi in 2nd & 3rd and Kark Rashi in 4th
house of Sudarshana – Chakra proved significant for Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee
within June 29, 1874 to June 29 1894 and from June 29 1894 to June 29, 1904 to
publish papers. Mark the occupancy of Mercury the indicator of publishing
in the Bhansh of Mithuna Rashi and Moon occupying Kark Rashi in Siddhansh
Division always motivated him to publish the papers based on Academic Subjects.
Written on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 20:58 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh
Copyright © 2019
Vishal Aksh
Most wonderful write up
ReplyDeleteNice explanation
ReplyDeleteExcellent explanation. Very well written. I will agree with on the point that An Astrologer should calculate the Rising Sign at the Commencement of Dasha . Many astrologers tend to ignore it but you made it clear. Also follow my site Hyderabad Astrologer
ReplyDeleteYou have done very praise worthy work. I reached to this post while I was scrutinizing Sudarshan Chakra Method since what is presented in BPHS pose challenges to those who don't know Sanskrit well.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your views on Shloka 20-21 (BPHS Ch.74) where the simple translation shows "Therefore, the sudarshan chakra’s reading has to be done intelligently. It would be pertinent when the three lagnas (Rasi, Chandra and Surya) are different. If amongst Lagn, Surya and Candr, all the three, or two of them are in the same Rasi, the judgment of effects should be made from the Rasi Kundali only."
Thus, rather than explaining the merit of Sudarshan Chakra method, the sage mentions the constraints as when not to use it. I felt like this could not be the correct authentic answer. The sage of the stature of Parashara would never evade a question like this..
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