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I have an experience of more than 30 years in the field of Vedic astrology. I have not learnt Vedic astrology from anyone and it is only my continuous research, hard work and dedication that I have been able to get the inner depth of Vedic astrology. I also use Vedic Numerology to predict and also provide mantra consultation. Please fill up the Contact Form by following the link:https://horoanalysis.wordpress.com/contact-form/ only if you want to contact me

Sunday, May 5, 2019

“The Gayatri Mahamantra” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

Vishal Aksh
(Astrologer, Researcher, Writer, Thinker & Philosopher)

Chapter (I)
मन्त्रराज गायत्री मन्त्र (Gayatri Mantra The King of All Mantra)

(१) गायत्री मन्त्र को सभी वैदिक मंत्रों में श्रेष्ठ मान कर इसे मन्त्रराज की उपाधि से विभूषित किया गया है।

(1) By considering the Gayatri Mantra as supreme among all the Vedic Mantra it has been decorated with the title of Mantraraj or King Of Mantra   

(२) ऋग्वेद में वर्णित गायत्री मंत्र में प्रणवाक्षर ॐ एवं व्याहृतियां भूः,भुवः एवं स्वः नही हैं परन्तु यजुर्वेद में वर्णित गायत्री मंत्र नें इन्हे सम्मलित किया गया है।

(2) In the Gayatri Mantra described in Rigveda there is no existence of (OM), and vyaahrtiyaan like भूः (Bhuh), भुवः (Bhuvah) and स्वः (Swah) but in Yajurveda these have been included.      

(३) व्याहृति का शाब्दिक अर्थ है उच्चारण एवं मंत्र अतैव ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः को लघु गायत्री मंत्र भी कहा गया है और यह अपने में एक प्रभावशाली मंत्र भी है। व्याहृतियां सात प्रकार की वर्णित हैं यथा "भूः, भुवः, स्व​:,महः, जनः, तपः एवं सत्यम्। प्रबलारिष्टकारी ग्रहदशा में व्यक्ति को इन सातों व्याहृतियों को प्रयोग कर गायत्री जप करना चाहिय।

(3) The literal meaning of the Sanskrit Word व्याहृति (Vyaahriti) is pronunciation and Mantra and that is why the Sanskrit term ॐ भूर्भुवः (Om Bhurbhuvaswaha) is also addressed as Laghu Gayatri (Minor Gayatri Mantra) and it is a very effective mantra in itself. There are Seven Types of Vyaahriti like "भूः (Bhuh), भुवः (Bhuvah), स्व: (Swah),महः (Mahah), जनः (Janah), तपः (Tapah) & सत्यम् (Satyam). In the Mahadasha of most inauspicious Planet the person should recite Gayatri Mantra with these Seven Vyaahriti.       

(४) आर्यभट्ट आदि विद्वानों ने जिस बीजगणित को अखिल विश्व को प्रदान किया उसका सार इन्ही व्याहृतियों में व्याप्त प्रतीत होता है यथा भू - भूमि का सांकेतिक शब्द है वस्तुतः भू का शाब्दिक अर्थ भी भूमि होता है, भुवः - भुवन (अंतरिक्ष) का सांकेतिक शब्द प्रतीत होता है एवं स्वः - स्वर्ग का सांकेतिक शब्द प्रतीत होता है। बीजगणित इसी तरह के सांकेतिक शब्दों पर आधारित है।

(4) It appears that the Vedic Exponents like Aarybhatta who gave the Beejganit (Algebra) to this entire world and the essence of which appears in these Vyaahriti such as the Sanskrit word भू (Bhu) is the symbolic representation of Bhumi (Earth) in fact the literal meaning of Sanskrit word Bhu is also Earth, Bhuva appears to be the symbolic representation of Bhuvan (Sky) and Swah appears to be the symbolic representation of Swarga (Heaven). The Beejganit (Algebra) is based on these types of Symbols.     

(५) शतपथ ब्राह्मण में गायत्री को ब्रह्म के रूप में निरुपित कर कहा है - "या गायत्री तद ब्रह्मैव, ब्रह्म वै गायत्री"

(5) In Shatpatha Brahmana after assigning Gayatri as Brahma it is said that:

"या गायत्री तद ब्रह्मैव​, ब्रह्म वै गायत्री"
[Yaa Gayatri Tad Brahmaiv, Braham vai Gayatri]

(i) The meaning of which is: “That Gayatri is Brahm and the Braham itself is Gayatri” and that clearly indicates that there is no difference between Brahm and Gayatri.

(ii) The Sanskrit Word ब्रह्म (Brahm) stands for Omnipotent and Omnipresent.   
(६) बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद मे गायत्री मंत्र को सूर्य मंत्र सावित्री कहा है एवं भविष्य पुराण में गायत्री मंत्र को महाश्वेता मंत्र कहा गया है। भविष्य पुराण में तो यहां तक कहा है कि रविवार के दिन यदि सूर्य ग्रहण हो तो वह महाश्वेतावार होता है ओर उसी दिन गायत्री जप प्रारम्भ करने पर पुण्य लाभ होता है।

(6) In बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद (Bridaaranyakopnishada) the Gayatri Mantra is addressed as Surya Mantra Savitri. In भविष्यपुराण ( Bhavishyapurana) it is said that the Sunday conceding with Solar eclipse termed as Mahashwetavaar (Mahashweta Day) is best to begin Gayatrijapa (Recitation of Gayatri Mantra) to get Punneya (Auspiciousness)     

(७) अनेकानेक विद्वानो के अनुसार गायत्री मंत्र में वर्णित "ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः" स्तुति है, "तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि" ध्यान है एवं "धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्" प्रार्थना है, अतैव गायत्री मंत्र उपासना के तीनों महत्वपूर्ण अंग स्तुति, ध्यान एवं एवं प्रार्थना को अपने में सम्मलित किये हुए है।

(7) According to many Vedic Scholars Laghu Gayatri (Minor Gayatri Mantra) "ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः" (Om Bhurbhuvhaswaha) existing in Gayatri Mantra is Stuti (Praise), "तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि" (Tatsaviturvareniyam Bhargodevsyadhimahi) is the Dhyaana and "धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्" (Dhio Yo Neh Prachodyaat) is the Prarthana (Prayer) and thus the Gayatri Mantra includes all the three important limbs Stuti (Praise), Dhyaan and Prarthana (Prayer) of Upasana (Worship)        

गायत्री मंत्र (Gayatri Mantra)
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥
[Om Bhurbhuvaswaha Tatsaviturvareniyam Bhargodevsyadhimahi!
Dhio Yo Neh Prachodyaat!!]

(8) The aforesaid Article मन्त्रराज गायत्री मन्त्र (Gayatri Mantra The King of All Mantra) written by me in Hindi on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 10:27 (IST) was published on my Facebook Page in Hindi on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 10:31 (IST). The following is the Screenshot of that Article written by me:

Picture Of that Article written by Vishal Aksh

Chapter (II)
Scientific Meaning Of Gayatri Mantra
(1) If you know the meaning of Sanskrit Mantra then the result giving power of that mantra becomes more and more. For the benefits of all of you I am going to tell you the Scientific Meaning of Gayatri Mantra:

(i) (Om): Ekakshari Mahamantra (Single Word Mantra) also known as Pranava and Shiva is known by this Pranava.

(ii) भूर्भुवः स्वः (Bhurbhuvaswaha): The Three Worlds Bhuloka (Earth), Swaloka (Heaven) and the Bhuvaloka (The Sky or Space) separating the Bhuloka (Earth) and Swaloka (Heaven)

(iii) तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं (Tatsaviturvareniyam): That Surya (Sun) but here Brahm (Shiva) who illumines all the Three Worlds is only adorable

(iv) भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि (Bhargodevsyadhimahi): That Brahm (Shiva) like a Surya (Sun) who shines with its own light and make others shining by its emitted rays (Deva) and that having Riches & Brahmgyana (Knowledge of Cosmos) [Bhargo] is known to me through my intelligence (Dhimahi)

(v) धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् (Dhio Yo Neh Prachodyaat): That Brahm (Shiva) like a Surya (Sun) motivates my intelligence in a proper way.

(vi) Scientific Translation of Gayatri Mantra: “That Brahm (Shiva) like a Surya (Sun) who illumines all the three worlds like Earth, Heaven and the world separating Earth and Heaven i.e. Sky is only adorable. That Brahm (Shiva) who have all the Riches and Superior Knowledge is known to me through my intelligence always motivate my intelligence in a proper way.”

(2) Gist: Every soul takes a fresh birth on this Bhuloka (Earth) to reap its previous karma and to do new karma. Continuous recitation of Gayatri Mantra provides strength to the soul that after the death of physical body to cross the Bhuvaloka (Sky) separating the Earth from Heaven to reach the Swaloka (Heaven) never to comeback on the Earth but if Karma performed are insufficient then the soul never crosses the Sky separating Earth and Heaven and thus the occurrences of rebirths result.      

Chapter (III)
Brief Idea About The Recitation Of Gayatri Mantra

(1) One of the drawbacks of this Gayatri Mantra is that it was cursed by three divine person viz Brahma, Vishwamitra and Vashistha so before reciting this it becomes essential to remove those curses. The process of removing those curses has been given in Vedic Literatures. Interested people are advised to approach a suitable Guru for that.

(i) Gayatri Mantra is recited in three Sandhya only. Generally the Sanskrit World Sandhya is misunderstood. Many scholars have their own views about Sandhya but in doing so many of them disregarded the teachings of great Vedic muni Parashara. It will be wise to understand Sandhyakaal (Sandhya Time) first:

(ii) Vedic muni Parashara defines Sandhya in his Brihitparasharhorashaastra in following Sanskrit Shloka:

[Raveastu Mandlaardhasthatsaayamsandhya Trinidika!!
Thathevaardodayatpurvmpratahsandhya Trinadika!! 13 !!]

(iii) Translation: The time of Trinadi after Solar Disk reaches half at Western Horizon is known as Sayan Sandhya or Evening Sandhya and similarly the time of Trinadi before the Solar Disk reaches half at Eastern Horizon is known as Pratha Sandhya.

(a) The Sanskrit Word Nadi existing in Trinadi ia also known as Ghati. A Nadi or a Ghati is equal to twenty four minutes and thus Trinadi the three times of a Nadi become = 3 × 24 = 72 Minutes = 01 Hour 12 Minutes.

(b) The time of Seventy two minutes before Sunrise is known as Pratha Sandhya (Morning Sandhya)

(c) The time of Seventy Two minutes after Sunset is known as Sayan Sandhya (Evening Sandhya)

(d) In Vedic Jyotish the rising of Sun by its half disk is known as Suryodaya (Sunrise) and reaching of Sun at the half of its disk at Western Horizon is known as Suryasth (Sunset)

(iv) There is third Sandhya described in Vedic Literatures and that starts thirty six minutes before when Solar Disk reaches half on Prime Meriden of the Place to thirty six minutes after Sun passes the Prime Meriden and total duration of this type of Sandhya is Seventy two minutes. This type of Sandhya occurring at Mid Day is known as Madhyaan Sandhya (Midday Sandhya)

(v) There are several who consider the timings of Sandhya starting from 04 AM clock time, there are few who consider ten minutes before and after Sunrise, Midday and Sunset as Three times Sandhya and even there are more views about it. But the occurrences of Pratha Sandhya, Madhyaan Sandhya and Sayan Sandhya as described in foregoing Paragraphs come under Vedic recommendations. The following Vedic Sanskrit Mantra supports it:

ॐ श्रद्धां प्रातर्हवामहे, श्रद्धां मध्यं दिनं परि । 
श्रद्धां सूर्यस्य निम्रुचि, श्रद्धे श्रद्धापयेह नः ।।
[Om Shradham Pratarhavhamehe, Shradham Madhyam Dinam Pari! 
Shradham Suryasyae Nimruchi, Shradhe Shradhapyeha Neh

(i) Translation: We invite Shradha Devi the Devi of Devotion in the Morning, we invite Shradha Devi the Devi of Devotion at the time of Midday and we also invite Shradha Devi the Devi of Devotion at the time of Sunset. O Shradha Devi the Devi of Devotion! Reside in our hearts and make us devotees.

(ii) The aforesaid Vedic Mantra also allots Three Times devotion on daily basis in Prataha Sandhya (Morning Sandhya), Madhyaan Sandhya (Midday Sandhya) and Sayan Sandhya (Evening Sandhya).

(iii) There is also fourth type of Sandhya known as Tureya Sandhya (Madhyaratri Sandhya or Midnight Sandhya) but it is for Sadhakas it starts from thirty six minutes before local Midnight and remains up to thirty six minutes after Local Midnight. This is supposed to be the superior Sandhya.

(vi) It is well described in Linga Purana under Chapter (X) titling Bhaktibhaavkathanam in which the Vedic creator Brahma puts a question before the Supreme Parmatma Shava and Shiva gives the Answer and following Sanskrit Shloka from Linga Purana describe that whole episode:

वाम तत्पुरुषाघोरा सद्योजात महेश्वर​।
दृष्टो मया त्वं गायत्र्या देवदेव महेश्वर।
केन वश्यो महादेव ध्येयः कुत्र करुणानिधे॥४७॥
[Vaam Tatpurushaghora Sadyojaat Maheshwara!
Drishto Maya Twam Gayatrya Devdeva Maheshwara!
Ken Vashyo Mahadev Dheyayh Kutra Karunanidhe!! 47 !!

(a) Translation: Brhman said to Shiva, “O Vaam! O Tatpurush! O Aghor! O Sadyojaat! O Maheshwara! Once I saw you while reciting Gayatri Mantra O Devdeva Maheshwara. O Karunanidhe Mahadeva! Please tell me the way to take over you and where to meditate on you?”

अवोचं श्रद्धयैवेति वश्यो वारिजसम्भवा ॥४८ ॥
[Avocham Shradhyevaiti Vashya Vaarijsambhava !!48!!]

(b) Translation: Supreme Parmatma Shiva said to Brahma, “O Vaarijsambhava (Brhama)! I can be only won over by the presentation of Sharddha.

श्रद्धा धर्मः परः सूक्ष्मः श्रृद्धा ज्ञानं हुतं तपः॥५२॥
[Shraddha Dharmah Parah Sukshamah Shraddha Gyana Hutam Tapah!!52!!]

(c) Translation: Supreme Parmatma Shiva further says, “Shraddha is absolute and micro Dharma and Shraddha is Knowledge, Yagya and Tapa”   

श्रद्धा स्वर्गश्च मोक्षश्च दृश्योहं श्रृद्धया सदा॥५३॥
[Shraddha Swargasch Mokashch Drayshoham Shraddhyaa Sadaa!!53!!]

(d) Translation: Supreme Parmatma Shiva further says, “Shraddha is Swarga (Heaven) & Moksha and I can be always seen through Shraddha”

(vii) Gist: The foregoing extracts from Linga Purana as discussed under Chapter (III)/ (vi)/ (a), (b), (c) & (d) clearly indicate that

(a) Shraddha is the Soul of Dharma and without it is difficult to understand the Parmatma and to make him in favor.

(b) Shraddha is a prime requirement to get Knowledge and to perform Yagya and Tapa

(c) Shraddha if followed on this Earth result in the attainment of Swarg (Heaven) and Moksha.  

(d) Gayatri Japa plays an important role in understanding the Parmatma.

(viii) As described in foregoing paragraph under Chapter (III)/ (v)/ (i) & (ii) it becomes clear that a Temporal Value has also been assigned to the inviting of Shraddha in Pratha Sandhya, Madhyaan Sandhya & Sayan Sandhya and thus Gayatri Japa (Recitation of Gayatri Mantra) should only be done in Three Sandhya to understand the actions of Nature and its lord Parmatma.

(ix) In Sandhya Kala (Time) after reciting the Gayatri Mantra the Gayatri Kavach should also be recited. The Gayatri Kavach was given to Vedic rishi Vishwamitra by Brhma himself and it is described in forthcoming paragraphs:

विश्वानित्र​! महाप्राज्ञ!     गायत्रीकवचं श्रृणु।
यस्य विज्ञानमात्रेण त्रैलोक्यं वशयेत्क्षणात्॥
[Vishwamitra Mahapragya! Gayatrikavacham Shrunu!
Yasya Vigyanmatren Trelokya Vashyetkshanaat!!]

(a) Translation: Brahma Says, “O genius Vishwamitra! Just hear the Gayatri Kavach. After knowing the Science behind it one will become capable to control the Three Worlds”

इत्येतत् कवचं ब्रह्मन् गायत्र्याः सर्वपावनम्।
       पुण्यं, पवित्रं, पापाघ्नं सर्वरोगनिवारणम्॥
[Ityetat Kavacham Brahman Gayatrya Sarvpavanam!
Punneyam, Pavitram, Papaghanam Sarvrognivaranam!!]
(b) Translation: Brahma further says, “O Brahmin! This Gayatri Kavach is sacred in all respects. It is virtuous, sacred, remover of sins and remover of all and cures all the diseases.   

त्रिसंध्यं यः पठेद्विद्वान्, सर्वान्, कामानवाप्नुयात्।
            सर्वशास्त्रार्थतत्त्वज्ञ स भवेद्वेदवित्तमः॥
[Tresandhyam Yeh Patedvidvan Sarvan Kamaanvapnyaat!
Sarvshaastarthtatvagya Sa Bhavedvedvittmah!!]

(c) Translation: If an Vidyan (Scholar) recites this Kavach in Three Sandhyas daily all of his desires get fulfillment and he becomes able to understand the inner meanings of all the Six Shaastras and also gets the top position among Vedic Experts.

(d) The Six Shaastras are Jyotish, Vyakaran (Vedic Grammar), Siksha (The phonetics of the Veda), Nirukta (The special meaning of Vedic words), Kalpa (The procedure of doing sacrifices and the Dharma of the experts performing Vedic sacrifices) and Chanda (They speak about Vedic Rishi and Vedic Chanda Devta). Any Scholar who recites the Gayatri Kavach in Three Sandhyas regularly becomes capable in understanding Jyotish, Vyakaran, Nirukt, Kalpa and Chanda.

(e) If you are an Astrologer then the regular recitation of Gayatri Mantra followed by Gayatri Kavach in all the Three Sandhyas gives you capabilities to understand Vedic Jyotish/Astrology and conduct researches on it.     

(x) Nowadays it appears practically impossible to recite Gayatri Mantra and Gayatri Kavach in all the Three Sandhyas of a day so in my opinion the Astrologer should recite them at least in one Sandhya

Written on Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 21:05 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

Copyright © 2019 Vishal Aksh

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