Chapter (V)
The Yuga Theory And Length Of Sidereal Year
Now here arises that what will be the timings of the results as indicated by the Viloma Pragman or Converse Progression and for that it will be wise to understand the Yuga Theory as given in Vedic literatures in brief
This Article written by me was published on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 03:36 (IST) in my Facebook Closed Group and the screenshot of that is also attached herewith this Article. Necessary edits are also made here to make this Article more informative
(i) In Vedic Puranas and several ancient literatures on Vedic Jyotish the Kaalganna (measurement of time) has been given. A Mahayuga consists of four Yuga (1) Satyuga, (2) Treta Yuga, (3) Dwapur Yuga and (3) Kali Yuga.
(ii) Dwapur Yuga is double the length of Kali Yuga in sidereal years, Treta Yuga is triple the length of Kali Yuga in sidereal years and Sat Yuga is 4 times of the length of Kali Yuga in sidereal. The length of Kali Yuga is given as: 432000 Sidereal Years.
(iii) As per definition Dwapur Yuga = 2 × the length of Kali Yuga = 2 × 432000 = 864000 Sidereal Years
(iv) Length of Treta Yuga = 3 × the length of Kali Yuga = 3 × 432000 = 1296000 Sidereal years
(iv) Length of Sat Yuga = 4 × the length of Kali Yuga = 4 × 432000 = 1728000 Sidereal Years
(vi) A Mahayuga = Sat Yuga + Treta Yuga + Dwapur Yuga + Kali Yuga = 1728000 + 1296000 + 864000 + 432000 = 4320000 Sidereal Years
(vii) In Surya Siddhanta the total numbers of sidereal days in a Mahayuga are given = 1577917828 Sidereal Days
So In 4320000 Sidereal Years the total no. of Sidereal Days = 1577917828 Sidereal Days
One Sidereal Year According to Surya Siddhanta = 1577917828 ÷ 4320000 = 365.25875648148148148148148148148 Days = 365 days 06 hours 12 minutes 37 seconds
Modern Value for Length of a sidereal year = 365.256363 days = 365 days 06 hours 09 minutes 10 seconds
(viii) Comparing the Ancient Vedic and Modern Values for length of a sidereal year anyone can find that a Vedic Year is 03 minutes 27 seconds longer than modern value of sidereal year.
(ix) The Viloma Pragmanan Chakra or Converse Progressed Horoscope containing events for one year only displays its results within 365 days 06 hours 09 minutes 10 Seconds
Screenshot Of Article Written By Vishal Aksh
Chapter (VI)
Need To Develop Pragman or Vedic Progressions
(i) In years 1991 and 1992 when I studied many texts on Vedic Jyotish through self efforts at that time I had no computer and no such facility of having advanced Ephemeris of many years but I had condensed Ephemerides of several past years and an advanced condensed Ephemeris up to 2000 based on sidereal positions of Planets. So at that time I used to predict for eight years in advance on the basis of Vedic Annual Horoscopes. At that time too I was able to predict for longer periods though on the basis of Dasha but with that a stored event in any horoscope could not be predicted within a year’s duration and for that an advance Ephemeris was always required.
(ii) Starting from those years to year 2000 I used to erect annual horoscope manually with the help of advance condensed Ephemerides and trigonometric formulas to calculate rising signs, annual rising signs in addition of 10th house and several sine / cosine tables and log tables were also used in addition to calculator for that. Here I would like to guide the learners of Vedic Jyotish that they should try their best to erect horoscope manually instead of taking the help of computer software for several years and while doing so they will be able to get useful insights to develop their own predictive systems. I know 90% of astrologers available on Facebook, Google+ or any similar site do not know how to calculate even sidereal time and Ishta Kaal and calculating rising sign, 10th house and positions of Planets is a far reaching chase for them.
(iii) In those years I used to find a simple way to erect annual horoscope for several coming years without considering the advanced Ephemerides. The calculations of Mudda Vinshottri Dasha used in Vedic Annual Horoscope caught my attention and made me hopeful. Here I would like to like to write that Mudda Vinshottri dasha is of 12 months used to time the event in Vedic Annual Horoscope whereas Vinshottri Dasha is of 120 years and this is used to time the events in Vedic natal horoscopes.
(iv) The calculation of Vinshottri Dasha is generally based on the Vedic sidereal longitude of the Moon.
In the forthcoming Chapter (VII)/Example 03 of this article the horoscope of some some Female Native will be discussed so in her Vedic Horoscope the sidereal longitude of her natal Moon = Makar16⁰ 34′ 54” = 286⁰ 34’ 54” = 286.58166666666666666666666666667⁰
Thus to calculate her natal Nakshatra to know the prevailing Vinshottri Dasha at her birth her natal longitude in degrees should be divided by 13.333333333333333333333333333333⁰ and then quotient + 1 will indicate her natal Nakshatra.
Natal Nakshatra of Female Native = 286.58166666666666666666666666667 ÷ 13.333333333333333333333333333333 = 21.493625
In her case Quotient 21 + 1 = 22 represents the number of her ruling Nakshatra at her birth and 22nd Nakshatra is Shravan Nakshatra ruled by Moon so the Vinshottri Dasha of Moon was prevailing at the time of her birth.
(v) Same process is used to calculate the Nakshatra of other Planets and Rising Signs too. If the (Quotient + 1) comes out to be:
(1, 10, 19) then one’s ruling Nakshatra are (Aswani, Magha, Moola) ruled by Ketu
(2, 11, 20) then they will be (Bharni, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvrashada) ruled by Venus
(3, 12, 21) then (Kritika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttrashada) ruled by Sun
(4, 13, 22) then (Rohini, Hasta, Shravan) ruled by Moon
(5, 14, 23) then (Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanista) ruled by Mars
(6, 15, 24) then (Ardra, Swati, Shatbhisa) ruled by Rahu
(7, 16, 25) then (Punarvasu, Vishakaha, Poorvrbhadrapada) ruled by Jupiter
(8, 17, 26) then (Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarbhadrapada) ruled by Saturn
(9, 18, 27) then (Aslesha, Jyestha, Revati) ruled by Mercury.
(vi) One’s natal Nakshatra is used to calculate the Mudda Dasha at the commencement of Vedic Solar Return/Varshphala and the process for that is given below:
Add the no. of completed years to one’s natal Nakshatra and divide it by 27 and then (Quotient + 1) will be the Nakshatra whose ruling Planet will rule the Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at the commencement of Vedic Solar Return. Though in Vedic texts on Annual Horoscope a different method is given to calculate the Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at the commencement of any Vedic Solar Return Horoscope but here I have given my method to understand that and it will make no difference as the calculations of Mudda Vinshottri Dasha is concerned. This method developed by me is the expansion of the method given in classical books on Vedic Annual Horoscopes.
At one’s birth year the ruling Nakshatra = One’s Natal Nakshatra + 0 = N +0
At the commencement of one’s 2nd Vedic Solar Return the Nakshatra to calculate Mudda Vinshottri Dasha = N + 1
For 3rd year = N + 2
For 4th year = N + 3
For 5th year = N + 4
Similarly for (p – 1)th year = N + (p-2)
And for pth year = N + (p-1)
Thus to calculate the Nakshatra to know the commencement of Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at the commencement of one’s Vedic Solar Return from the his birth year to pth year can be algebraically written as:
N, (N + 1), (N + 2), (N + 3), (N + 4), ………….., (N + (p – 2)), (N + (p – 1))
Dear learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish if you look at the above series to calculate the Nakshatra to know the Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at the commencement of successive Vedic Solar Returns from one’s birth then you will get some interesting thing by subtracting two consecutive terms:
Subtracting 2nd term and 1st term = (N +1) – N = 1
Subtracting 3rd term and 2nd term = (N + 2) – (N + 1) = 1
Subtracting 4th term and 3rd term = (N + 3) – (N + 2) = 1
Subtracting 5th term and 4th term = (N + 4) – (N + 3) = 1
And subtracting pth term and (p – 1)th term = (N + (p -1)) – (N + (p – 2)) = 1
It is cleared that a common difference of 1 appears at the every subtraction of two consecutive terms so it is a Arithmetic series with a common difference of 1and it is also known as Arithmetic Progression with a common difference of 1.
(vii) At that time up to year 2000 I was not aware that a process of this type is very much in use in Western Astrology and it is also known as Progression in Western Astrology but in several astrological magazines I read the term progression used in Western Astrology but I never bothered to know that.
(viii) At that time I thought that Vedic Jyotish allows the increment of one Nakshatra per year to know the commencement of Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at every successive Vedic Solar Return and the Longitude of Imaginary Moon at the commencement of every Vedic Solar Return was also simple. It can be calculated by adding the Longitude of a single Nakshatra i.e. 13.333333333333333333333333333333⁰ to the Longitude of Moon. So in case of that Female Native, her imaginary Moon at the commencement of various Vedic Solar Returns would be:
286.58166666666666666666666666667⁰ + 0 = for her birth year
286.58166666666666666666666666667⁰ + 13.333333333333333333333333333333⁰ = 299.915⁰ = Makar 29⁰ 54’ 54”
And so on for other years but the there was a problem that in classical texts on Vedic Jyotish there was not mention about the consideration of this type of the imaginary longitude of Moon but somehow it is used to calculate the Mudda Vinshottri Dasha at the commencement a Vedic Solar Return so in some form it was effective. By following it the longitude of other Planets including the rising sign can also be calculated as imaginary longitude at the time of every Vedic Solar return and so there is no need to use advance Ephemerides to erect the Vedic Annual Horoscope as it appeared possible for me to erect every Solar Return Horoscope on the basis of one’s natal Horoscope. But soon my so designed theory punctured before its application.
(ix) The Arithmetic Progression as drawn by me under (6) when looked at again when I put the value of p = 28 then the Nakshatra at pth or 28th year becomes = (N + (28 – 1)) = N + 27 and it frustrated me as in Vedic Jyotish for all predictive techniques the no. of Nakshatras cannot go beyond 27.
(x) Several more theories were also formed by me in this context but they were not put into use due to drawbacks existing in those theories.
(xi) Years before in Sanket Nidhi a text on Vedic Jyotish two Sanskrit Shloka were found by me and they are given below:
The aforesaid two Sanskrit Shloka are 10th and 11th Shloka of a Chapter of Vedic Jyotish text “Sanket Nidhi” and because of their complicated pronunciations they cannot be written in the English script. But their translation in English is given under 1. and 2. below:
Mark the position of Moon three days prior to one’s birth and if at that time Moon was found strong and under the influences of benefic Planets then it should be predicted that the third year of life of the that native will prove auspicious and if that position of Moon at that day is otherwise then adverse results for third year should be predicted.
Likewise the good and bad results can be predicted about one’s life regarding his 7th, 10th and 4th years of life on the basis of the disposition and strength of Moon 7th, 10th and 4th days before one’s birth day.
(xii) It confused me to understand for several years the applications of the two aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka in true sense as to why the author of Sanket Nidhi limited the application of aforesaid two Shloka to 3rd, 7th, 10th and 4th years of one’s life or he wanted to say something different. The meaning the Sanskrit and Hindi word Sanketa is hint and that of Nidhi is treasure so the meaning of Sanket Nidhi become Treasure of Hints in English and it indicates its every Shloka is put to use in various forms as the authors only gave the valuable Hints of ancient knowledge of Vedic Jyotish.
The very first thing that confused me was the meaning of Dina or Day if it was taken as Vaara commencing from one Sunrise to next Sunrise then it mean all the person born on same day will have same future in their 3rd, 7th, 10th and 4th years and it appeared invalid and similar was the case with the reckoning of the Dina or Day defined by great Indian astronomer Aryabhata as commencing from one midnight to the successive midnight as per his Ardhratrik system. But to understand the Dina or day as described in Sanskrit Shloka anyhow I came to conclusion that this is the Dina or Day used to erect the Dinaphala or Day Horoscope in Predictive Vedic Jyotish commences with the addition of one degree to the longitude of one’s natal Sun so only then it is possible that all the people born on same day will have different results because of the difference in their Solar Longitudes. I got the point that the author wants us to use one solar degree to be used as day in above Shloka and when this value is taken there will be no repetition of horoscope as found in case of Nakshatra progression.
While attributing 3rd, 7th, 10th and 4th days prior to one’s day of birth the author of Sanket Nidhi gives importance to this technique in judging the Baalaristha and this Sanskrit and Hindi word Baalaristha means Childhood misfortunes and now everything become cleared. This technique on theoretical basis too can be applied to every year. This gave me relief that I only require one’s birth Ephemeris and previous year Ephemeris to his birth to predict about his coming years in advance without having the Advanced Ephemerides of coming years.
I applied this technique to a number of horoscopes to verify the past events of several people who gave me their past events with date, month and years of happening. This technique was found very much useful in predicting events on the basis of Vedic Horary Jyotish.
(xiii) Let us assume that algebraically;
Then according to above Sanskrit Shloka
(x – 1)⁰ will represent one’s birth year
(x – 2)⁰ will represent his 2nd year from his birth year
(x – 3)⁰ will represent 3rd year from his birth year
(x – 4)⁰ will represent 4th year from his birth year.
(x – (p – 1))⁰ will represents (p – 1)th year from his birth year
(x – p)⁰ will represent pth year from his birth year.
The aforesaid (x – 1) degrees to (x – p) degrees can be put into a form given below:
(x – 1), (x – 2), (x – 3), (x – 4), ………….. (x – (p – 1)), (x – p)
If the two consecutive terms of above series are subtracted
(xiv) It is somewhere in year 2005 I came to know that this concept in Western Astrology is known as Converse Progressions.
Chapter (VII)
How Were They Well Predicted On The Basis Of Viloma Pragman?
I am
sure you have so far read this article repeatedly to understand it properly now I am sure that you
find it difficult to apply and to make you understand it properly I am just
putting several cases well predicted by me.
before putting those in this Article let me make it clear that this system of
Viloma Pragman or Converse Progression as developed by me works amazingly well
on Horary Horoscopes/Equivalent Horoscopes.
01: How To Judge A Horary Horoscope?
(i) It
was Friday, May 1, 2015 when I received an email from a person and the
following is the edited picture of his email he sent to me:
Edited Screenshot Of That Email |
(ii) It
is cleared from his email to me that he sent his email on Friday, May 1, 2015
at 8:36 PM but there was no mention of the place from where he sent this email
to me. But I read his email and saw his Query about getting a job on the same
day at 20:59 (IST) at my residence in Faridabad, Haryana, India and so Friday,
May 1, 2015 at 20:50 (IST) was taken as horary details for him and place of
his Query was taken as place of my residence at Faridabad, Haryana, India.
(iii) As
not to make the identity of this person disclosed his name and his email ID
have been erased from this above picture and all other information he gave in
this email has also been erased.
(iv) The
following is the picture of that Horary Horoscope for that person:
Horary Rashi Chart (Horary Details: Friday, May 1, 2015, 20:50 (IST), Faridabad, Haryana, India) |
(v) The
horary Lagna is Vrischik same as his natal Lagna. In his natal Chalit Chakra
(not given here) 10th lord of his Rashi Chart, Sun moves to 5th Bhava from 6th
house and there it formed conjunction with his natal Lagna Lord Mars. This
gives him some positive hope about his profession when with these combinations
the horary horoscope casted for him becomes powerful. In the horary horoscope
there is a conjunction of horary lagna lord Mars and its 10th lord Sun in 6th
house and here horary lagna lord Mars is in its other sign Mesh and Sun in
conjunction with it, is exalted in 6th house the house of services.
(vi) The
horary lagna receives aspect from three natural benefic Planets Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus and this is good for his job prospects.
The presence of Saturn in horary lagna does not give success to this native in
the line he was thinking to make his career.
So according to Parashari System of Vedic Jyotish this horary horoscope is
powerful to give him success in his career but not in the line he was thinking
to make his career.
When this horary horoscope is powerful as per Parashari System then all the
benefice results calculated and described earlier in this post according to the
Tajik System of Vedic Jyotish must apply to this horary horoscope. Position of
horary Muntha in 11th house but on the back of Rahu does not give him a job in
his desired direction.
(x) Next
to it is when he will get the job. It is most difficult to answer. As per
Prashana Marga and Tajik Neelkanthi generally powerful horary horoscopes gives
results within one year of the date of putting that Query by the client or within
in one year of the date for which horary horoscope was erected.
(xi) The
Viloma Pragman or Converse Progressions developed by me will be useful to know
the time of getting of his job . I have developed this Viloma Pragman or
Converse Progressions System from Vedic Jyotish books Brihit Parashara Hora Shastra and Sanket Nidhi. At first sight this system of Viloma Pragman or
Converse Progressions looks similar to the primary progressions of Western
Astrology but in fact it is several light years different from primary
progressions of Western Astrology.
(xii) As
written earlier in Chapter (II) there is a Postulate (2) defined by me
as every divisional chart is used to predict the every prospects of one’s life
and this is used to do timing to get his job.
On Friday, May 1, 2015 if a time of this horary horoscope is taken as 20:54:21
then the horary lagna becomes Vrischika 13⁰
07’ 36” just one degree less than that of horary lagna about him and this
horoscope will gives the events within a period May 01, 2015 to May 1, 2016.
(xiv) In
that case horary horoscope will be same but Horary Trinshansh Chart (D30, Cyclic Trishansh
Chart) gives brilliant picture about his professional success. The following is
that Trishansh Chart:
Horary Trishansh Chart (D30, Cyclic)
(xv) In
this conversely progressed horary Trishansh Chart the Lagna is again Vrischika
and its lord Mars is in 10th house in conjunction with 10th lord Sun and 10th
house and its occupants Mars and Sun comes under the aspect of benefice Venus.
This promises his professional success at any time within a period started from
May 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016.
(xvi) It
on June Saturday, June 13, 2015 I sent an email to his Email ID predicting
about his job prospects on the basis of horary horoscope as:
Email about the analysis of your horoscope was seen at 20:50 hrs. on May 1, 2015
and at that time also Vrischika Lagna was rising with the conjunction of Lagna
Lord Mars and 10th Lord Sun in 6th house and there Lagna lord Mars is in its
another sign Mesh and 10th lord Sun exalted in Mesh Rashi and Lagna receiving
aspect of two natural benefic planets Mercury and Venus and another natural
malefic Planet Saturn placed in it. It indicates professional success but not
according to your desires of making your career in films / serials. The time
within 01/05/2015 to 01/05/2016 will also prove significant as your
professional success is concerned.”
On Sunday, June 14, 2015 I received his mobile call at 11:11 AM in which he
said that he has already got a job within the period as mentioned by me. He appeared
a job interview on June 3, 2015 and selected there and he resumed his duties
with effect from Thursday, June 11, 2015.
very interesting thing was he did not inform me about his getting of job when
that horary horoscope was being analyzed and sent to his email ID.
Example 02: “How To Reply Query About One’s future?” – A Case Of Successful Prediction Given By Vishal Aksh
Part (1)
(i) It was Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 11:38 AM (IST) when I received a query from a female native about her future and in that query there was no mention about any specific prospect of her life such as about her education, finance, profession, family etc. Generally these types of queries are not attended by modern astrologers but the ancient books on Vedic Jyotish direct astrologers to attend these types of queries with very serious approaches.
(ii) Year 2010 was not good for me professionally and financially as a whole but it proved very gainful for me regarding spiritual developments, researches in Vedic Jyotish and for reputation also.
(iii) On the basis of those horary details I erected Horary Horoscope for her and predicted about her regarding the prospects befitting her age. That female native was 22 years old at that time in year 2010. Since then that Horary Horoscope was used every time whenever she came to have my predictions regarding the various other prospects of her life including her education. In July 2013 that female native’s mother came to my residence to have my predictions about that female native’s marriage and then after analyzing that female native’s Horary Horoscope again I gave my predictions to that female native’s mother that that female native’s marriage will occur up to March 31, 2016 and since some afflictions about that female native’s alliance were also found in that Horary Horoscope so I also recommended some remedies to be performed by them up to March 31, 2016. But they did not do the prescribed remedies in full measures.
(iv) That female native’s Horary horoscope was once again analyzed once again by me in 2014 and my final prediction about her marriage was at any time within a period March 31, 2015 to March 31, 2016.
(v) Dear all the serious students of Vedic Jyotish! So far I have given various successfully predicted cases based on Vedic Viloma Pragmanan Chakra or Vedic Conversely Progressed Horoscope of the nature of Mishra Gochar or Mixed Transit but in this case I will use Saanketik Vedic Viloma Pragman or Symbolic Vedic Converse Progression to make you understand the basis of one of such successful prediction made by me.
To know about Mishra Gochar Or Mixed Transit see the “Ayanansh Sanchaar The progressions in Vedic astrology (part: 04)” written earlier in this Article.
(vi) The Picture titling “(Figure 01)” given below is the Horary Horoscope of that female native erected on the details as given under (i) of Part (01). See this picture below:
(vii) In that Horary Horoscope the Sandhya Dasha of the lord of Horary Mithuna Lagna Mercury is from March 31, 2010 to March 31, 2022. In this Horary Horoscope the Chandra Lagna is Tula both in Rashi as well as in Navansh and Sandhya Dasha Lord Mercury occupies 7th from Chandra Lagna in Rashi Chart as well as in Navansh Charts but in Rashi Chart the Lord of Tula Chandra Lagna Venus is in 7th in conjunction with Sandhya Dasha Lord Mercury . It indicates that the marriage of that female native occurs at anytime within a period started from March 31, 2010 to March 31, 2022 but it was a long duration.
In Horary Navansh Chart the Navansh Lagna is Kumbha and the Aroodhpada Navansh Lagna of 7th house also falls in Kumbha and the ruler of Kumbha Saturn occupies its owned Navansh Lagna and Aroodhpada Lagna of 7th house in Navansh Kumbha. So the query of that female native about her future also reflects her marriage.
In that Horary Horoscope her Vivah Saham (Lot Of Her Marriage) fall in Kumbha and it is occupied by 7th lord Jupiter. This further confirms her marriage.
Jupiter’s Transit through Mesh Rashi over the Sandhya Dasha Lord Mercury from May 9, 2011 to May 17, 2012, Horary Lagna Mithuna from June 1, 2013 to June 19, 2014 and Simh Rashi from July 15, 2015 to August 11, 2016 are important periods to give her marriage.
While transiting through Mithuna and Simh Jupiter also aspects her Horary Vivah Saham and Horary 7th lord Jupiter in addition to aspecting Navansh Lagna Kumbha occupied by its own lord Saturn. But it does not give a clear picture about her marriage.
Part (02)
(viii) First thing is to calculates the Syaan position (tropical) of Planets and for that Ayanansh should be added to the longitude of every Planet including Lagna and the Ayanansh is: 24⁰ 00’ 17”
Tropical Longitude Of Lagna = Mithuna 16⁰ 16’ 33” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Kark 10⁰ 16’ 50”
Tropical Longitude Of Sun = Meen 16⁰ 25’ 12” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Mesh 10⁰ 25’ 29”
Tropical Longitude Of Moon: Tula 02⁰ 05’ 20” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Tula 26⁰ 05’ 37”
Tropical Longitude Of Mars: Kark 08⁰ 38’ 34” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Simh 02⁰ 38’ 51”
Tropical Longitude Of Mercury: Mesh 02⁰ 15’ 21” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Mesh 26⁰ 15’ 38”
Tropical Longitude Of Jupiter: Kumbha 23⁰ 04’ 19” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Meen 17⁰ 04’ 36”
Tropical Longitude Of Venus: Mesh 05⁰ 24’ 31” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Mesh 29⁰ 24’ 48”
Tropical Longitude Of Saturn: Kanya 06⁰ 33’ 39” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Tula 00⁰ 33’ 56”
Tropical Longitude Of Rahu: Dhanur 23⁰ 03’ 39” + 24⁰ 00’ 17” = Makar 17⁰ 03’ 56”
Tropical Longitude Of Ketu: Mithuna 23⁰ 03’ 39” + 24⁰ 00’ 17 = Kark 17⁰ 03’ 56”
(ix) As per my theories described earlier in this Article about Viloma Vedic Saanketik Pragman or Converse Vedic Symbolic progression the Ayanansh is influenced by number of completed years whereas the tropical position of Planets remain unaltered. For more information see “Ayanansh Sanchaar The progressions in Vedic astrology (part: 03)” written earlier in this Article
(x) So to calculate the position of Astrological Ayanansh after the completion of 5 years the Formula 7 is used.
So, Astrological Ayanansh a = 24⁰ 00’ 17” + (5 + 1) = 30⁰ 00’ 17” = Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17”
Where A = 24⁰ 00’ 17”, N = 5
In other words Astrological Ayanansh = 30⁰ 00’ 17” enables all the Planets & Lagna to indicate the results within March 31, 2015 to March 31, 2016 when applied to Tropical positions of Planets as written under (8) and for that this calculated Astrological Ayanansh is to be deducted from every tropical position written under (8) including Lagna to get to Niryaan Vedic Viloma Saanketik Pragman or Sidereal Vedic Converse Symbolic Progression of Planets at the commencement of March 31, 2015
Now Subtracting Astrological Ayanansh = 30⁰ 00’ 17” or Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” from the Tropical Positions of all Planets including Lagna as mentioned under (viii) to get Conversely Symbolically Progressed Planets including Lagna effective within March 31, 2015 to March 31, 2016:
Lagna = Kark 10⁰ 16’ 50” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Mithuna 10⁰ 16’ 33”
Sun = Mesh 10⁰ 25’ 29” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Meen 10⁰ 25’ 12”
Moon = Tula 26⁰ 05’ 37” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Kanya 26⁰ 05’ 20”
Mars = Simh 02⁰ 38’ 51” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Kark 02⁰ 38’ 34”
Mercury = Mesh 26⁰ 15’ 38” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Meen 26⁰ 15’ 21”
Jupiter = Meen 17⁰ 04’ 36” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Kumbha 17⁰ 04’ 19”
Venus = Mesh 29⁰ 24’ 48” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Meen 29⁰ 24’ 31”
Saturn = Tula 00⁰ 33’ 56” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Kanya 00⁰ 33’ 39”
Rahu = Makar 17⁰ 03’ 56” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Dhanur 17⁰ 03’ 39”
Ketu = Kark 17⁰ 03’ 56” – Vrish 00⁰ 00’ 17” = Mithuna 17⁰ 03’ 39”
The Picture titling “(Figure 02)” given below is the Conversely Symbolically Progressed Vedic Horary Horoscope of that female native effective within March 31, 2015 to March 31, 2016. The Rashi Chart and Vinshansh Chart are erected on the basis of Positions of Lagna & Planets given under (9.3):
(xi) Postulate: 2 described by me in this article earlier under “Ayanansh Sanchaar The progressions in Vedic astrology (part: 02)” states: “Every Ansh chart (Divisional Chart) should be used to predict every prospects” and that is why in (Figure: 02) the Vinshansh Chart shown was selected to predict about the marriage of that female native.
(xii) The Navansh Lagna of the Horary Horoscope erected for that female is Kumbha Occupied by its Lord Saturn and her Horary Vivah Saham (Lot of Her marriage) also falls in Kumbha see (Figure: 01) and in the Symbolically Progressed Vinshansh ((See Figure: o2)) the Lagna is also Kumbha and there is also an exchange between Lagna Lord Saturn and 7th lord Sun and this 7th lord Sun is hammed in between two natural benefic Planets Venus & Mercury and thus it was predicted that her marriage would occur at any time within March 31, 2015 to March 31, 2016 and her marriage occurred on February 17, 2016 exactly within the period as predicted by me about her marriage.
Example 03: “How To Apply Vedic Progressions” – A Case Of Fulfilled Predictions Given By Vishal Aksh
(i) It was the night of Thursday, May 16, 2013 when I received an email on my Email ID: astrosolutions275s16afbd@gmail.com from some Female Native and in her email to me she wanted to know about her time of marriage and her job prospects. Few days before that day my friend Ajay an advocate by profession visited my residence to meet me and then he told me about one of his female relative who was running frustrated on account of unnecessary hurdles in materializing her marriage and her job prospects. I suggested my friend to ask his relative to send me an email in that context. That Female who sent me that email is the relative of my friend Ajay and the following is the edited picture of that email she sent me:
Edited Picture Of The Email From That Female Native
(ii) The Rashi Chart, Navansh Chart and Dashmansh Chart of that Female Native are as given below:

In her Rashi Chart the conjunction of Rising lord Mars and 7th lord Venus occurs in 9th House under the aspects of natural benefic 9th lord Moon, natural benefic 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter, Natural malefic Saturn and natural malefic Planet Ketu. In her horoscope her 7th lord Venus under the mixed influences of natural benefic Planets and natural malefic Planets. So her 7th lord is disposed well.
In her horoscope 7th house is occupied by Rahu but it comes under the aspect of natural benefic Planet Jupiter this is also good.
Her 7th house falls in Kritika Nakshatra ruled by Sun and this Sun occupies 7th house in her Navansh Chart. This was main cause of unnecessary delay in her marriage. Her Vivah Saham or her marriage Saham falls in Simh Rashi ruled by Sun so Placement of Sun in 7th house in her Navansh Chart (D9) was not bad but it could not avoid delay in her marriage.
From October 11, 2013 to October 11, 2029 the Jupiter’s Mahadasha in her horoscope was about to commence and her marriage was indicated at any time within this period as in her Rashi Chart Jupiter this Jupiter aspects her 7th house and 7th lord Venus powerfully. But From October 11, 2013 to October 11, 2029 was too long period so it was necessary to use other techniques to find out the nearest time of her marriage.
In her Dashmansh Chart the Dasha lord Jupiter occupying 4th house and aspecting 10th house and the Dashmansh Lagna lord Moon was found favorable for her job prospects at any time within a period starting from October 11, 2013 to October 11, 2029. Still other techniques were required to find out the nearest period of her professional success.
I used Converse Progression to her rising sign. Her email was received on May 16, 2013 and she was born on September 18, 1983 that means she was in her 30th year at that time and her 30th year commenced on September 18, 2012 and it was up to September 18, 2013 so there were still 4 months remaining in the completion of her 30th year and from September 18, 2014 her 31st year starts. So it was better to erect a converse rising sign progressed for her 30th year commenced from September 18, 2012.
The Longitude of her Rising Sign = Vrischika 02⁰ 48’ 10” = 212⁰ 48’ 10”
Subtract 30⁰ to above value to get the conversely progressed longitude of Rising Sign at the commencement of her 30th year on September 18, 2012
Her Conversely Progressed Rising Sign on September 18, 2012 = 212⁰ 48’ 10” – 30⁰ = 182⁰ 48’ 10” = Tula 02⁰ 48’ 10”
The Rising Sign Tula 02⁰ 48’ 10” appears at 08:39:49 AM (IST) on September 18, 1983 to be effective within September 18, 2012 to September 18, 2013.
The Conversely Progressed Rising Sign falls in the Chaturthansh (D4) of Tula In Tula from Tula 06⁰ 48’ 10” on wards to Tula 00⁰ 48’ 10” and it indicates the Chaturthansh of Tula in Tula conversely progressed Rising sign will be effective within September 18, 2008 to September 18, 2015. The analysis of this Conversely Progressed Chaturthansh will be done in coming paragraphs.
This conversely Progressed Rising sign also falls in the Saptansh of Tula Rashi for September 18, 2012 to September 18, 2013 but this Saptansh of Tula rishi started with Tula 03* 48’ 10” for September 18, 2011 to Tula 00* 48’ 10” effective within September 18, 2014 to September 18, 2015 as Such this conversely progressed Tula Saptansh (D7) in Tula conversely progressed rising sign will be effective within September 18, 2011 to September 18, 2015.
Dear learners and researchers of Vedic jyotish here you need to understand whatever has been written under 6 to 7 written above properly as to understand the coming paragraphs.
In the Chapter (II) titling “Ayanansh Sanchaar The Progressions In Vedic Jyotish (Part: 02)” it is written earlier under Postulate 02 that “Every Ansh chart (Divisional Chart) should be used to predict every prospects of one’s life”. This Postulate 02 will be used to analyze the conversely progressed Chaturthansh Charts effective within September 18, 2008 to September 18, 2015 and conversely progressed Saptansh Chart within September 18, 2011 to September 18, 2015 in addition to conversely progressed rising sign.
(iii) The followings are the conversely progressed Rashi Chart, Chaturthansh Chart (effective within September 18, 2008 to September 18, 2015) and Saptansh Charts (September 18, 2011 to September 18, 2015):

Her conversely progressed Rising sign Tula has Vargottama Chaturthansh so it is powerful in giving the results. In her conversely progressed Rashi Chart the lord of Tula Lagna Venus is in conjunction with 7th lord Mars. But Mars is in Kark Rashi in its debilitation but the 7th aspect of Moon the lord of Kark Rashi cancels the debilitation of Mars.
In her conversely progressed Chaturthansh Chart the Lagna is Tula and its Lord Venus is in 7th house in conjunction with 7th lord Mars and it is powerful combination of her marriage at any time within a period started from September 18, 2008 to September 18, 2015.
That means her marriage will occur at any time before September 18, 2015 to a suitable person but a period up to September 18, 2014 will also prove significant as her marriage was concerned. I conveyed this prediction about her marriage to her through an email.
Her conversely Progressed Rashi Chart also has Vargottama Saptansh. In her conversely progressed Rashi Chart the lord of Rising Sign Venus is in 10th in mutual aspect with 10th lord Moon and in her conversely progressed Saptansh Chart the lord of Tula Saptansh Lagna Venus was in 10th house and that of 10th Moon in this conversely progressed Saptansh Lagna and it is the most powerful combination of her professional success with a boost at any time before September 18, 2015. I conveyed this prediction about her job to her through email.
Both of these predictions were conveyed to her on May 21, 2013 through Email.
As described in earlier that Sun is afflicting the indications of 7th house regarding her marriage in her natal Navansh Chart (D9) so as remedy I advised her to donate Wheat on Sundays in a Mandir and start reciting gayatri mantra to get insights and divine grace to select a suitable life partner for her.
(iv) On Saturday, September 12, 2015 her relative Ajay visited my residence and met me with news that whatever has been predicted about her by me has come into being and she got married on June 12, 2014 and selected for Government Job in 2014 just after her marriage.
(v) In foregoing paragraphs I used the word Vargottama Chaturthansh and Vargottama Saptansh I know there will be several new person reading this article and they will find it confusing these words written in foregoing paragraph . To know more about it read the article “More About Vargottamansh In Indian Astrology” written by me and for that follow link:http://horoanalysis.blogspot.in/2014/10/more-about-vargottamansh-in-indian.html to view that.
Example 04: “Selling Of Land & How Was It Predicted” – A Case Of Fulfilled Prediction Given By Vishal Aksh On The Basis Of Viloma Pragman Or Converse Progression To A Female Person.
Dear all the students of Vedic Jyotish! Please note while predicting property matters like constructions, sale or purchase a thorough judgment of Chaturthansh Chart (D4) is highly essential besides the position of Mars in the same Chaturthansh Chart as Mars is a Planet which signifies land.
(i) If the Lagna rising has Vargottama Chaturthansh (D4) and in Chaturthansh Chart the Chaturthansh Lagna lord and its 4th lord influences Chaturthansh Lagna and also related to 11th lord of Chaturthansh Chart in that case one makes a property deal.
Note: In foregoing paragraphs (i) I used the word Vargottama Chaturthansh I know there will be several new person reading this article and they will find it confusing these words written in foregoing paragraph . To know more about it read the article “More About Vargottamansh In Indian Astrology” written by me and for that follow link:http://horoanalysis.blogspot.in/2014/10/more-about-vargottamansh-in-indian.html to view that.
(ii) To know the events within one year of the date of horary horoscope erection the Sun, Moon and Lagna should be conversely progressed by one degree and times should be calculated when these three conversely progressed Lagna will be exactly one degree back to their actual horary degrees.
(iii) The following are the Longitude of the erected Equivalent Horoscope:
Moon: Meen 17⁰ 19’ 19”
Lagna: Makar 00⁰ 24’ 19”
(iv) To erect Conversely Progressed Horoscope giving results within February 4, 2014 to February 4, 2015 the longitudes of Sun, Moon and Lagna are to be deducted by one degree and the Conversely progressed longitude will be as shown below:
Sun: Makar 21⁰ 02’ 43” – 1 = Makar 20⁰ 02’ 43”
Moon: Meen 17⁰ 19’ 19” – 1 = Meen 16⁰ 19’ 19”
Lagna: Makar: 00⁰ 24’ 19” – 1 = Dhanur: 29⁰ 24’ 19”
(v) So Conversely Progressed Horoscope erected when Sun’s Longitude is Makar 20⁰ 02’ 43”, Moon’s Longitude is Meen 16⁰ 19’ 19” and Lagna’s Longitude: Dhanur 29⁰ 24’ 19” give the picture of the events coming between February 4, 2014 to February 4, 2015
(vi) For this case Conversely Progressed Moon is used to predict and Longitude of Moon: Meen 16⁰ 19’ 19” occurs at February 4, 2014 at 04:13:36 AM (IST) and a Conversely Progressed Horoscope was erected at this details.
(vii) The following Picture (1) is the picture of Lunar Conversely Progressed Rashi Chart and Chaturthansh Chart erected at February 4, 2014 at 04:13:36 AM (IST):

(viii) In attached Picture: (1) the Dhanur Vargottama Chaturthansh rises and in Chaturthansh Chart the Lagna is occupied by its own and 4th lord Jupiter and this Jupiter is in mutual aspect with Planet signifying lands Mars and 11th lord Venus and it indicates a deal in property by that Female Person at any time within February 4, 2014 to February 4, 2015
(ix) By taking it into consideration the prediction about the property deal was given by me to her and she was able to finalize that property deal within March 2, 2014 to March 11, 2014 exactly within a period as predicted by me.
Example 05:How To Predict About Selling Of Landed Property?
Part (01)
Dear all the learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish!!
(i) I know several times you receive queries from your clients about the selling or purchasing of landed property though rules have been given in the ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish but nowhere is it given how to apply those rules in a proper and systematic way.
(ii) In this article for the benefit of learners and researchers of Vedic jyotish I am going to discuss a practical case of a Male Person about whom I successfully predicted the selling of his landed property. I am sure experts and masters of Vedic Jyotish will also be delighted to read this article written by me.
(iii) In any horoscope 4th house and its lord represents landed property and Mars is the Planet signifies it and the disposition of these in Chaturthansh Chart gives clear picture about the affaires relating to landed property. To know more read the article: “About 4th House Of Any Horoscope” written by me through the link:https://www.facebook.com/groups/258744764307717/permalink/374355019413357/
(iv) In any horoscope the presence of 4th lord in 2nd or 11th house supports selling of property and if it is connected anyway with Mars then there is selling of landed property.
If 4th house has a presence of 2nd or 11th lord with the connection of Mars then it will be purchase of landed property.
(v) If in any horoscope there is an exchange of houses between 4th and 2nd or 4th and 11th then it will be selling of one property and purchasing of another one and the property will be landed if there is an association with Mars. But if lord of lagna occupies 2nd or 11th house then it will be selling of property or if otherwise then purchasing of property.
(vi) What has been described under (iv), its subparagraph and (v) about the selling and purchasing of property equally applies to Horary Horoscopes, Annual Horoscopes and Vedic Progressed Horoscopes in addition to natal horoscope and all the concerned Chaturthansh Charts (D4).
(vii) In this article it will be made cleared how to apply the techniques of Vedic Jyotish as described under (iv) and (v).
(viii) The Vedic Jyotish technique as described under (v) is a combinations of three techniques as given in a famous text on Vedic jyotish the Phaladeepika written by Manteshwara.
The first technique is Parivartana Yoga between two houses
The Second technique is the house occupied by lord of Lagna prospers well
And the third one is a house prospers when the lord of that house in conjunction with Lord of Lagna.
By combining these three great techniques as given in Phaladeepika the technique described under (v) was designed.
(ix) As per Vedic Jyotish texts on Horary Astrology to predict about one’s desired success the Horary Lagna must receive the aspect of its lord. Several times this technique does not seem working properly. But in this article it will be explained about how to apply this technique.
Part (02)
(i) How can I forget that day? It was about one hour passed after Sunset when I received a mobile call from a person. His scattering voice described his condition of being in huge mental stress. That native was under the huge debts and wanted to pay back a major part of his taken loans by selling his landed property. He wanted to get his horoscope analyzed by me in this context as he tried several times to sell his landed property and he was not able to get a desired buyer to sell it. This made him worried, confused and alone in the jungle of uncertainties where his every sense took the form of wild beast to make him further scary. I know that he also had some neurotic problems several years ago and could not withstand this huge state of mental stress. That day was Thursday, December 25, 2014 when I received his mobile call.
(ii)I analyzed his horoscope and horary horoscope and predicted for him after receiving another mobile call from him on that day that he would get a suitable buyer to sell his landed property very soon at any time before December 25, 2015.
(iii)That native came to my residence and met me on Friday, February 27, 2015 with a news that whatever has been predicted by me about the selling of landed property came into being in full measure and he got a suitable buyer and sold his landed property.
(iv) Now I am going to describe how I was able to predict the selling of his property successfully by using the techniques described under (iv) and (v) of Part (01) of this article.
(v)I received that native’s mobile call on Thursday, December 25, 2014 at 18:32 (IST) at my residence in Faridabad, Haryana, India. So this will be used to erect a Horary Horoscope for him
(vi) The following is Horary Horoscope or Question Horoscope erected for him:

As written under (ix) of Part (01) of this article whenever the Horary Lagna receives aspect of its lord the motive of the person putting a query before an astrologer will be fulfilled. But several times this technique does not seem working and it is because often Horary lagna differs from one’s natal lagna and that is why this technique does not works properly.
But in that native’s case the Horary Lagna for him is Mithuna same as his Radical Lagna (His Natal Chart not shared in this Article) and Mercury being lord of Horary Lagna aspects Horary Lagna. This indicates that the object of native to improve his finances on account of selling his landed property will be fulfilled. In this way the technique described under (ix) of Part (01) of this article should be applied. Learners and researchers of Vedic jyotish should have a note of it.
Thus this Horary Horoscope permits the indications of his natal horoscope with the Ashtottri Dasha of Mercury from his Lagna Longitude going on up to January 11, 2016 as his acquisition of finances on account of the selling of his landed property is concerned.
(vii) This indicates that that native’s Prarabdha is strong in this context. But to get the full fruits of his Prarabdha his Kriyamana Karma or Paurush should be equally strong and that is why the Horary Horoscope erected for him needs further judgement.
Part (03)
(i) In a Horasara a famous text on Vedic Jyotish it is written that astrologer should predict the results based on omens and Horary Horoscope to his clients generally within the two years of consultation and in Prashana Marga another famous text on Vedic jyotish it is written that results on the basis of Horary Horoscopes should be predicted within one year of the date of consultation.
(ii) Converse Vedic Progressions under LG system as developed by me when applied to Horary Horoscopes becomes useful to shape the occurrence of events within one year of the date of the erect of a Horary Horoscope for someone.
(iii) In the Horary Horoscope erected for him the longitude of Horary Moon = Makar 26⁰ 47’ 39”
Progressing Horary Moon one Degree Conversely = Makar 25⁰ 47’ 39”
Time Calculated when Horary Moon was at Makar 25⁰ 47’ 39” is used to erect the Conversely Progressed Vedic Horary Horoscope at 16:53:21 (IST) on Thursday, December 25, 2014 or in other words A Conversely Progressed Vedic Horary Horoscope should be erected on Thursday, December 25, 2014 to predict the results within one year of the receiving of mobile call from that native.
(iv) In the article “Ayanansh Sanchaar The progressions in Vedic Jyotish (Part: 02)” written by me under Postulate 2 it is written: “Every Ansh chart (Divisional Chart) should be used to predict every prospects of one’s life” and here this postulate will be used.
(v) The following is the Conversely Progressed Vedic Horary Rashi Chart, Drashkan Chart (D3) and Chaturthansh Chart (D4) erected for him on Thursday, December 25, 2014 at 16:53:21 (IST):

In above conversely Progressed Horary Rashi Chart the Lagna has Vargottama Chaturthansh and Chaturthansh Lagna is occupied by its own lord Mercury and it indicates events related to landed property at any time within a period started from December 25, 2014 to December 25, 2015.
In above Progressed Horary Rashi Chart the Lagna has Vargottama Drashkan and thus becomes powerful and in such Drashkan Chart there is exchange between 11th lord Mars and 4th lord Mercury and it indicates selling one property and purchasing another property but Mercury is also lord of Drashkan Lagna and it is also in 11th house so it indicates at large selling of landed property to get finances. Moon ruling Mind is in conjunction with Mars the Planet signifying landed property and and also 11th lord signifying gains.
By taking this into consideration it was predicted that the native will sell his landed property and get the finances on account of that at any time within a period starting from December 25, 2014 to December 25, 2015 but very soon he will get a suitable buyer to sell his landed property and get the finances on account of it.
Learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish should note how the technique described earlier was used to predict this and the use of Horary Converse Progressed Vedic Drashkan Chart in predicting this was according to the postulate described under (iv).
I know there will be several new person reading this article and they will find it confusing the words written in aforesaid subparagraphs under (v) such as Vargottama Chaturthansh and Vargottama Drashkan.
(vi) Every learner and researcher of Vedic Jyotish should have a note that it is not a joke to predict on the basis of Vedic Jyotish a great research work is to be performed to do so and for that you must know the application of rules and technique in a systematic way. Nothing is impossible do hard work as you can do and avoid short cuts.
Example 06: "How To Predict Unasked Query - A Case Of Fulfilled Prediction Given By Vishal Aksh
(1)Years 1991 and 1992 proved significant in enriching my knowledge about Vedic Jyotish and I read various texts on Vedic Jyotish through self efforts and also made a serious approach to understand them without the guidance of anyone. I found in all texts on Vedic Jyotish similar rules have been given but whatever I found was amazing. Any ancient author of Vedic Jyotish if found going going out of the track in his writings used to give a valuable clue to understand Vedic Jyotish and I like to mention some of them below:
(1.1)In Maansaagari a famous text on Vedic Jyotish it is written when lord of Horary Lagna is in Kendra (Quadrants), Trikona (Trines) or 11th Bhava / house fulfills the objective of the person who puts query before a learned astrologer. It is a very simple rule but provides valuable information and it took several years to understand this rule properly.
(1.2) In Uttrakalamitra it is written in the chapter dealing with Varshphala or Annual Horoscope that the astrologer should apply Munivarga to Varshphala or Annual Horoscopes and the Hindi translator of that Sanskrit text Uttrakalamitra translated Munivarga as Saptavarga. The reason behind that translation could be as there are Seven celestial Rishis described in Vedic texts and there are several Rishi like Narada who are also called Muni so that translator took Muni as Rishi and translated Munivarga as Saptavarga but a Rishi is different from a Muni but it is equally true that a Vedic sage can be a Rishi as well as a Muni. So Munivarga cannot be taken as Saptavarga. After several years I was able to know what the original author of Uttrakalamitra wanted to say in using the word Munivarga.
(1.3) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra the Lagna (Rising sign) is also referred to as Murti (Idol) and after the researches of years and years in the field of Vedic jyotish I found it a code which makes Vedic Jyotish as an applied form of spirituality.
(1.4) In Prasna Marga it is written:
अपृच्छतः पृच्छतो वा जिज्ञासोर्थस्यकस्यचित् ।
होराकेन्द्रत्रिकोणेभ्यः शुभाशुभफलं वदेत॥
The aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka in English script can be written as:
Aprichhstah Prichhato Vaa Jigyaasoarthsyakasyachita ।
Horakendratrikonebhyah Shubhasubhaphalam Vadet ॥
The meaning of aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka is that a question deserves an answer whether it is asked or not provided there is a strong desire to know it and the astrologer should predict it as good or bad result by taking into consideration the Hora (Here Lagna), Kendra and Trikona. So in this Shloka to the learned author of Prasna Marga seems to go out of track as in his previous Shloka he wrote that no predictions should be given to a person who has not asked a query so it is a valuable code and contains valuable information to enrich the knowledge of Vedic Jyotish.
It was a great work for me to make use of that Shloka.
(1.5) In same text on Vedic Jyotish the very next Shloka to the aforesaid Shloka was written as:
वसिष्ठवचनादस्माज्जिज्ञसोरप्यपृच्छतः ।
दर्शने दैवविद्ब्रूयादारुढेन शुभाशुभम ॥
The above Sanskrit Shloka can be written in English script as:
Vasisthvachnaadsmajjigsorpyaprichatah ।
Darshnaedeevvidbruyaadaroodaenshubhashubham ॥
The meaning of aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka is that according to Vasistha if there is a strong desire to know irrespective of that question is asked or not the astrologer should predict in the form of good or bad result on the basis of Aaroodh Lagna. In this Sanskrit Shloka the learned astrologer again seems giving importance to Unasked Query an out of track subject to Vedic Horary Jyotish by quoting the wordings of great Vedic Rishi Vasistha. Rishi Vasistha was the Kulaguru of Maryadapurshottama prabhu Shri Rama and also one of the eighteen great parvartaka (reformers) of Vedic Jyotish as described in Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra. Here also exists a code of valuable information about Vedic Jyotish.
(1.6) I tried my best to find the situations where these rules can be applied in the cases of unasked queries. I started applying these rules while analyzing the horoscopes of my friends but there was no success at all. It was my opinion then that these rules should be applied when a spiritually elevated person visits to an astrologer but in years 1991 and 1992 I did not know how to judge spirituality from a horoscope or a Horary Horoscope. It was from the year 1999 when I got success in judging the spiritual aspect from a horoscope and gave a prediction to one of my best and friend that he had the divine grace of Parmatma and very soon he will see successes in his life and within a few months his life completely changed. The friend of mine who is referred to in this paragraph is a philosopher, a person of highly scientific bent of mind, a thinker and above all a true human being with only one drawback of having a dull presence of mind. Last year in 2014 I had a chance to visit his establishment in New Delhi where he was running his scientific laboratory by making the best use of his advance thinking. But it was not the application of the aforesaid rules but it proved my views that a person with advance spirituality should be predicted.
(2) It was year 2010 and it was a tough year for me. It was a highly unsatisfactory year on professional and financial grounds. But it was also a very blessed year on spiritual grounds including the completion of several researches conducted by me in the field of Vedic Jyotish. During year 2010 I recited the following Vedic Astakshri Mantra of Surya:
ओं घृणिः सूर्य आदित्यः (Om Ghrene Sury Aadityah)
(2.1)It was Wednesday, December 8, 2010 when I was talking to my wife and my daughter suddenly the ring tone of telephone attracted our attention at 14:58 (IST) and it was attended by my daughter. It was a local call from her classmate and we knew that classmate of our daughter very well. Our daughter’s classmate was a girl of her age. We came to know that her classmate’s younger sister was suddenly hospitalized due to some acute disease and the doctors were not showing any hope.
(2.2) It was the time when through the divine inspiration an idea got into my mind to erect a horary horoscope by taking the time of time of receiving the call of my daughter’s classmate by my daughter. It was cleared that that local call was not intending to contact me so it could not be taken as the time of query to erect horary horoscope as per the then understanding of mine. But still that divine inspiration was working and I decided to erect a horary horoscope within half hour of the completion of that local call.
(2.3) The following Horary Rashi Chart , Horary Drashkan Chart and Horary Chalit Chakra were used to predict about the future health prospects of the younger sister of my daughter’s classmate:
(2.4) I was not having the birth details or Horoscope of that hospitalized girl and when I saw the Horary Rashi Chart at first I became somewhat confused as I have not seen her sufferings in that Chart. The Lagna of this Horary Rashi Chart indicates her elder sister who made a local call to my daughter and 3rd house representing that hospitalized girl falling in Mithuna rashi, receives aspect from its lord Mercury, the Horary rising sign Mesh lord Mars and natural benefic Planet Moon and natural malefic Planet Saturn any how I did not find any major combination of adverse combinations resulting in that girl’s hospitalization. So there was a need of the horoscope of that hospitalized girl.
(2.5)But if anyone does not shows his willingness to get his horoscope analyzed by me I never or rarely ask for his birth details or horoscope. This is very important and every learner and researcher of Vedic Jyotish should note this also.
(2.6) Then I started using other techniques and soon an idea got into my mind that I would consider it as an unasked query and then as per Rishi Vasishtha the query should be predicted on the basis of Aaroodh Lagna. But Aaroodh Lagna for Horary Horoscope is calculated in a different way but in original Shloka the word Aroodhpad is mentioned not as Prashana Aaroodh so I was in favor of applying the general theory of Aaroodh Lagna to this Horary Horoscope. Aroodhpada of 8th house from 3rd house falls in Vrish Rashi and 8th from Vrish Rashi is occupied by Moon, Mars, Mercury and Rahu and this 8th house from 8th Aroodhpada of 3rd house comes under the aspect of a natural malefic Planet Ketu. This indicates the severe illness of that hospitalized girl. The 8th Aroodhpada of 3rd house falls in Vrish and its lord Venus occupies 6th house from it but in its own sign under the Paapkartari yoga of two natural malefic planets Saturn and Sun this also indicates some health problems. Involvement of node Rahu in 8th from the Aroodhpada of 8th house indicates the challenges to be faced by doctors in the treatment of that hospitalized girl.
(2.7) In this Horary Horoscope the Aroodhpada of third house falls in Mithuna rashi itself and it receives aspects from its own lord Mercury, Mars, Moon, Rahu and Saturn and this makes 3rd house and its Aroodhpada very strong whereas Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu make the 8th house from the 8th Aroodhpada of 3rd house weak as described under (2.6). It is the situation where two opposite currents flow. Learners and researchers should note this carefully that under such circumstances they should try their best and apply other techniques of Vedic Jyotish.
(3) The Drashkan Chart (D3) of this Horary Horoscope indicates that hospitalized girl. Then I started judging Horary Drashkan Chart and here too at first sight I did not find any good combination. The Lagna of Drashkan is Simh and its lord Sun is in 12th house indicating the hospitalization and 12th lord Moon is in Lagna and thus there is a formation of Daineya yoga a highly adverse combination. In 12th house the Drashkan Lagna Lord Sun receives aspects from natural malefic Mars, natural malefic Sun and 8th lord Jupiter. So it was very tough to analyze that horary horoscope. It is written in Brihit Parashara Horashaastra that when Moon is in Lagna then Shyasthyahnee Dasha should be applied. So here in Horary Drashkan Chart Moon occupies the Drashkan Lagna so I decided to apply Shyasthyanee dasha both calculated from Horary Moon and from Horary Lagna to predict about that hospitalized girl. Sub period of Sun in the Main period of Shyasthyahnee Dasha of Jupiter from Horary Lagna was from July 23, 2009 to March 21, 2011 and she was hospitalized within this period and period up to March 21, 2011 indicated to be proved critical. But it was not just enough for me to predict this as I wanted to judge that Horary Horoscope even more deeply.
(3.1) Suddenly the presence of Lagnadhiyoga in Horary Drashkan Chart caught my attention. The Lagnadhiyoga given in Brihit Parashara Horashaastra is said to present when in any horoscope 7th and 8th houses are occupied by natural benefic Planets provided 4th house should be free from the presence of a natural malefic Planet. In this Horary Drashkan Chart 7th house is occupied by a natural benefic Planet Venus and 8th by another natural benefic Planet Jupiter and there is no presence of a natural malefic Planet in 4th house. The results of Lagnadhiyoga given in Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra in the form of a Sanskrit Shloka are as follows:

The aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka can be written in English script as:
Lagnadhiyogae Bahushaastrakarta Vidysvneetasha Baladhakari ॥
Mukhyastu Nishkaaptiko Mahatama Lokae Yashovittagunadhikah Isyaat ॥43॥
The meaning of aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka as translated by Hindi and modern commentator of Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra is that one with Lagnadhiyoga in his horoscope possesses the deep knowledge of many Shaastras, learned, polite and commander of army. He is recognized by public, of pure heart and a great man with fame, wealth and merits.
(3.2) Dear learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish if you are studying Vedic Jyotisha seriously then never trust on translated Vedic texts from Sanskrit to any other languages as in translation many times modern commentators make use of their opinion and several times they prove wrong or incomplete. There are various meaning of a single Sanskrit word in Vedic Jyotish and all meanings are applicable and there is no doubt in it.
(3.3) The Hindi and modern commentator of Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra translated the word Baladhikari existing in that in that shloka as commander of army but this word too has several other meaning such as chief of police, a very powerful man, a person with great physical power and a person supposed to be gaining strength. So these various meaning should be applied keeping in view the different situations only then the knowledge of Vedic Jyotish can be understood in true sense.
(3.4) So befitting the age of that hospitalized girl the two results among the various results attributed to Lagnadhiyoga were selected to predict about that hospitalized girl as (1) Pure heartedness or innocence and (2) gaining of strength. The very essential condition for the manifestation of Lagnadhiyoga is that forth house should be free from the occupancy of any natural malefic Planet and it indicates that this Lagnadhiyoga becomes powerful in case of person with pure heart and who can be pure hearted in front of that innocent hospitalized girl? Then I understood the real meaning of Unasked Queries as described by the great author of Prasna Marga. The strong desire to know the future of a pure hearted person deserves prediction irrespective the query is asked or not.
(3.5) In Horary Horoscope Shyasthyahnee Dasha of Venus is from May 25, 2006 to May 25, 2012 and that of Jupiter from Horary Lagna from November 23, 2007 to November 23, 2017 both of these natural benefic Dasha Lords form Lagnadhiyoga in Horary Drashkan Chart and so at any time before May 25, 2012 that hospitalized girl was likely to get her health recovery. But still it was long period so that Horary Horoscope needed further judgment.
(3.6) The Horary Drashkan Lagna owned by Sun receives the aspect of natural benefic Venus and its Lord Sun also comes under the aspect of greatest natural benefic Planet Jupiter so ultimately Sun by having the curative power provided by Jupiter and Venus in Horary Drashkan Chart moves to 9th Bhava from 8th house and from there it aspects 3rd Bhava / house. The sub period of Sun in the Main period of Shyasthyahnee Dasha of Jupiter from Horary Lagna was from July 23, 2009 to March 21, 2011 and at any time before March 21, 2011 she was likely to recover from her adverse health conditions. Counting from the December 8, 2010 to March 21, 2011 it was 03 months 12 days.
(4) Since year 2004 I conducted researches on progressions and by the end of 2005 I developed Vedic Progressions from the concepts given in Vedic Purana, Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra and Sanket Nidhi. From year 2006 I started using Vedic Progression to predict. In this case too I want to use converse progressed horoscope to this horary horoscope to know the results within 08/12/2010 to 08/12/2011.
(4.1) The Horary Moon = Dhanur 24⁰ 25’ 57” by conversely progressing it one degree for December 8, 2010 to December 8, 2011 the Conversely Progressed Moon = Dhanur 23⁰ 25’ 57” and it occurred at 13:04:54 PM (IST) and a Horary Conversely Progressed Horoscope was erected at that time on December 8, 2010.
(4.2) The following are Horary Conversely Progressed Rashi Chart and Drashkan Chart erected on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 13:04:54 PM in Faridabad, Haryana, India those were effective within December 8, 2010 to December 8, 2011:

(4.3) In above Horary Converse Progressed Vedic Rashi Chart the Lagna has Vargottama Drashkan in Meen Rashi and Rashi as well as Drashkan Charts are occupied by their lord Jupiter and it is strong combination of the recovery from adverse health of that hospitalized girl.
(4.4) In Horary conversely progressed Drashkan Chart the Lagna is hammed in between two natural benefic Planets Mercury and Venus and Lagna receives aspect from Mars residing in 10th house and it indicates the recovery of that hospitalized girl from adverse health conditions.
(4.5) Next day on Thursday, December 9, 2010 I conveyed my prediction about the family members of that hospitalized girl that very soon at any time before March 21, 2011 she will be treated well by doctors and she will also have improved health.
(4.6) Within about 15 days i.e. up to December 23, 2010 I got the news that whatever I have predicted about the recovery from adverse health of that hospitalized girl came into being and she was treated well by doctors and she was with her family members in her home when I got that news.
Written by:
Vishal Aksh
Copyright© Vishal Aksh